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  1. Koby The Ambanja

    Koby The Ambanja

    6 Month Ambanja
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    My New Ambilobe Boy

    Thanks Ecoreef and Clarkrw, I hope he turns out as nice as his sire. :)
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    Sidney the 'Mature' Ambanja

    :D What an amazing ambanja! They are my favorite for sure.
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    My New Ambilobe Boy

    Thank you guys, Brialme and ColdbloodedAl. Brian, he looks perfect. I can't wait!!! :D:D
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    My New Ambilobe Boy

    Thanks Rottsko, will do. Can't wait for the updated pics Brian. :cool: Thanks again.
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    Coming over from a Reef Tank...

    If you can maintain a legit reef tank I doubt you will have problems owning a cham. Plus, we have a ton of people on here willing to help so if there is a problem you can always just ask the friendly people here. ;)
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    My New Ambilobe Boy

    Thank you Bebo and Jann! I can't wait to actually see him in person. Reptoman Brian is holding on to this little dude for me for a little while. For the record, Brian took this photo not me. :D Not tryna steal yo swag homie.
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    My New Ambilobe Boy

    :D Thank you guys! They are just precious when they are babies. I love when they try to look fierce.
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    My New Ambilobe Boy

    Named him Marty after Martin Brodeur. GO DEVILS!!!
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    Turtle people, HELP

    Oh wow, can't believe I missed this thread. Looks like our chamforum vet Ferret already got you covered though. I've seen some banged up turtles over the years (I have a few rescues of my own), but don't worry they are extremely hardy animals and will rebound quickly if cared for correctly...
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    Diablo 3

    Yeah for sure. I've been waiting as well. I played the open Beta weekend and it was just amazing. :cool:
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    Two month old vid but still.

    Glad he is doing well for you. You are very kind for taking him in and giving him the love he deserves. He is very handsome and looks like quite the pig. :)
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    Baby Ambanjas- pics

    :D Baby chams stealing our hearts. Great job with those precious babies they look fantastic. Nice shots too!
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    East Coast Roll Call

    North Jersey.... GO DEVILS! :D
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    How old are you?

    :D Nice! You're right, I should check up on the turtleforums more often. Chamforums have taken over my forum viewing time lol. Might post some pictures of the new ATBA's I'm building for my turtles when I get the chance.
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    Diablo 3

    Awesome. I feel like a lot of people are calling in sick on Tuesday-Wednesday ;)
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    Diablo 3

    Comes out on Tuesday! Who else has a countdown timer going???!!! THE WORLD ENDS MAY 15TH lol :)
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    How old are you?

    24. Most of my animal experience involve aquatic turtles. Started keeping chams last year. ;) Already up to 4 soon to be 5 chams lol. Addiction.
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    WC Ambanja Breeder

    :eek::eek::eek: Just insane. I love them banjas!
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