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  1. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Sorry about that I realized and filled the rest out btw his name is Cosmo I don’t know if I mentioned that previously
  2. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? 3 months make it has been in my care for around a month Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? I haven’t handled him Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the...
  3. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Thank you very much for all the help yeah he didn’t look the best when I got him but he was starting to look better until this happened
  4. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? Supplements - What brand and type...
  5. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    I got the crickets and I am gut loading them and also got an appointment Monday with a vet from the list
  6. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    How big of a container should I get
  7. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Also does anyone have any reccomendations for how i could try and get him to eat so maybe he'll get better.
  8. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    ill try a few people maybe I could do this
  9. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    I have black soldier fly larvae Dubia roaches and I had silkworms before they are gutloaded with collared greens a piece of a carrot and of a mango
  10. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

  11. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Yeah I checked out the list the problem is the one that is closest on the list is open at times while I’m in school or at work that’s why I called around and got recommended where I went. Thank you though I hope they can save my little guy
  12. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    Thank you very much I will try that but he is also not eating now and I’m not sure how to go about fixing that
  13. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    There is pothos plants and the bigger one is a Sheffelepa soemthing like that and the smaller one is a type of fern I think I looked all the plants up before I got them
  14. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    That’s what I thought but yeah I wanna do everything for him just not sure where else I could go
  15. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    I got them from Home Depot and washed and repotted all of them
  16. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    The vet also flushed his eyes out
  17. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    His mouth is never open unless he is drinking the saliva dosent seem to be stringy or thick. Urates are slightly orangey and the shots were I think vitamins b and iron the vitamin b might have been a multivitamin I can’t remember and yes that is the temperature for the basking but the vet said...
  18. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    She said that maybe test for parasites but there’s something worse going on she said he’s to small and weak for other things
  19. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    I rlly hope there is something I could do as well but the vet wasn’t very hopeful
  20. Cosmo72

    Chameleon eye closed

    I took him to Montville animal hospital in New Jersey the vet said she has had experience with chameleons
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