Thank you so much for the resources and suggestions, I safely put him back in, and I will start going through the modules. I just hope it doesn’t stress him too much and he’ll be able to sleep.
Hello Everyone,
I’m new to this! I got a new male panther cham who is 4 months old about 2 weeks ago. I haven’t handled him for like a week, I opened the container I got him in and let him walk in his cage. After a week, I opened up his cage to clean and add new plants, and he was exploring the...
I also wanted to ask how I could handle him for the first time? I got him in a container and opened it inside the cage and waited for him to walk on his own. I gave him a superworm as a treat and would love to know where to go from there.
Hi Everyone! I just got my first baby chameleon, he is 4 months old and I’m still thinking about his name. Would love some suggestions!
This is his enclosure, he will be staying outside because we’re in Florida. He has the little dripper on top, one Fluker’s basking light 60W, and one...