Hi Friends
I've been offered this Panther Chameleon "Tamatave" for $570 USD. He is 1.5 year old.
Is this a good price for this locale or is he overpriced?
My Nosey Be True Blue couple was 600$ USD for both, my Mitsio $400 and my Ambilobe $400 to. Im down in Mexico so im.not sure jow rare or...
I've been having a hard time finding a name for my little new friend.. any suggestions will be apreciated! Here are some photos of him that might help to get everyone creative! Thanks
I got biten by my new 6 month old nosey be 2 day ago, didnt hurt at all but he would not let go lol. I found out i pinched his tail with the terrarium door and thats why he decided to bite. No blood no pain, juts a scary moment to both i believe.
Sorry they are not mealworms i meant Superworms and crickets. I have 4 chams and none of them seem to be interested ithe dubias i got for them ! They are only craving Crikets and superworms its hard to get other feeders arpund here im in mexico. My Nosey be couple seems to love crikets though.
I dont know what dewormers where used to be honest but Vet did a poop test before giving this dewormer. I took him to vet today and he gave him the same dewormer and said he look totally fine. He asked me to bring him tomorrow and do another poo test. He is CB.
Hi there, im.worried cus lately my panther chamelepn has been pooping very diferent from my other chams, very soft and orangeish poop with mocus and a little bit smelly sometimes, this has been for the past 2 weeks but today he poop something diferent with some greenish thing and very liquid. i...
Its hard for me to know how the sire looks like, they dont show us that here in Mexico, people show you photos of the actual cham and nothing else. I think i got very lucky this time with them.
Woah! i've never seen a nosey be with that kind of greenish tones! Very beautifull and interesting it seems like they all have different variations mine its more on the blue turqoise ice color he looked like this today before i pinched his tail with the terrarium door ! I got my first bite from...
He is my very first cham i got and he has gone thru lots of changes when he first arrived he was almost white, then he turned a grayish color and finally blue/red. The wierdest thing ever lol love him tho
Those 4 photos are from the same cham? He looks a bit diferent from the first photo to the rest of them, i actually have one very similar to yours but i thoughts he was a ambilobe. He is blue with lots of read around his face and body.
is that the same chameleon on the 4 pics? First one looks...
Any thoughts on my "nosey be female"? I bought both for a really good price and he also said she is a wc nosey be female. Here is a couple photos of her.n
I actually have a nosey Mitsio my self and they look totally diferent, Koopa turns yellow.with orange when he is fired up. Seems like my new little guy it is a nosey be i was just not sure wince they are lots of hybrids now days hard to be 100% sure. Here ks a photo of my Mitsio
Yeah that i know, thats why i wanted your opinion. He really glows when you see it in person specially when stressed but its like this blue turqoise/greenish/ florecent color, and the nosey bes i've seen everywhere are completly blue. Also he show this yellowish on the bottom/belly specially...
I live in Mexico, i bought it down here from a guy who claimed this is a wc and was brought from a contact directly from Madagascar i also have a female and she is brwon/orange with blue dots. Here is another photo of my cham lets see if it helps.
Just looking for some experienced people that might know what locale my new friend here is? I have attached some HQ pics i hope you like them. Please let me know.your thoughts on this little guy!!! Thanks!
Hi there! I bought my Chameleon Nelly 2 months ago, the guy from the reptile store where i bought said it is a Nosey Be. However i have done some research and aparently Nosey Bes do not have so much red in their body or face. Can some one here might have an idea of what locale is this little guy...