In love with Nosey bes. When I got my first chameleon YEARS ago, I was much younger and couldn't afford one.
I finally realized that dream last year when I got Rygel. He's so wonderful! I think other Panther morphs are very pretty but there's just something about the blue that I love.
You said his eyes always looked sunken despite his drinking... how were his urates?
It's possible he simply wasn't hydrated enough, and just needed substantially more water intake than he was getting. Lack of hydration can easily lead to loss of appetite.
I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm...
I'm sorry to hear that your chameleon died. I would give you some advice before getting your next one.
- Several posters identified that your temperatures were too hot. This, combined with the lack of a screened cage, and the substrate could have aided the fungus growth, even if he did get...
I can vouch for my chameleon being on Superworms as a staple of his diet.
I occasionally feed him waxworms or large mealworms, but Superworms are his staple.
This isn't really voluntary, I'd love for him to eat crickets, but he won't. One day I'll find an economical way of getting some...
This thread's been super-informative so far. I've been pondering ordering some stuff from Mulberry, but the shipping costs are so high that it just hasn't been economical. I might explore some of the alternatives here.
Oh language barriers... how you amuse me on a Friday afternoon :)
I'm almost tempted to vandalize wikipedia with that one. Touch your chameleon too much and you'll go blind.
Good luck with your new cham!
Baby Veileds grow fast and BIG!
Be prepared to replace his cage! You'll probably need a larger one around the 6 month mark... if not sooner. However, for your baby, that cage size is good.
We have a vet in Richmond that does exotic work, and he knows quite a bit about chameleons, lucky for me!
I don't take my chameleon in for regular check-ups... honestly other than a fecal and weighing him I'm not sure what a vet would DO for a regular checkup.
When I had to take my panther...
Wow. Sounds like your boyfriend had the attitude of "Well, it's probably going to die anyways so why take it to the vet", or "It'll probably get better on it's own, and even if it doesn't, it's still not worth taking to the vet".
I hope your boyfriend has some more positive personality...
I'm a bit perplexed by all of the hate towards the whole waterfall thing.
Sure, they build up bacteria, but so does standing water. So do drip buckets. What's so different about a waterfall that it needs cleaned every HOUR?
Personally I'm of the opinion that if he has a chameleon that...
I'm almost glad you didn't include any full body photos of him. He looks absolutely horrible from the pictures you included.
Please get him to a vet. I don't know why you waited a "few months" to get some help for him. I hope it's not too late.
The spot on his back could be a burn, but...
That's great that he started eating.
I second the advise that you got earlier about his cage. It's really too big for him.
I'm also worried about your watering system, I don't know what kind of setup you're using. You have so few leaves in your setup, and your setup is so large, I would...
That's great that your cham had such a good recovery.
Have you re-done her enclosure to fix the falling plants problem? I'd be interested to see the new version.
Glad she's doing well, she's cute!
My Chameleon went off crickets a long time ago. I tried everything to get him back on crickets, and I officially gave up a couple months ago. If anyone has any grand ideas let me know.
He slowly trended towards ONLY eating dusted crickets, to eating very few crickets, to refusing crickets...
Poor cricket!
I've had my guy do the same thing when handfeeding. Sometimes a worm will try and crawl between my fingers to "escape", but he nabs the tip of its tail.
Hey Jodi!
In your possession you probably have one of the most gentle species of chameleon, your Jacksons, combined with the meanest, the Veiled.
As a whole, Jacksons chameleons are very very mild tempered, and can be that way all the way from youth to adult.
Veileds are a whole...
After reading this thread I'm definitely going to be very careful in the future with any chams I have that chew on branches.
I've never seen any of my chams do this, but it's good information to have.