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  1. J

    Toronto Reptile Expo

    Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to this one. I know Will Hayward will be at the show with his chameleons and Brandy will be there with silkworms.
  2. J

    Happy Birthday Will!

    Happy belated birthday Will, hope you had a good one.
  3. J

    glass scratcher and climber

    Thanks Jordan
  4. J

    RE: Melany- Dangerous Spiders

    Thanks Will, I just looked it up and they are wolf spiders, are they dangerous to chameleons? I work in the produce department of a grocery store and we were told to watch when opening the boxes of bananas up because they have found several live trantulas in them in the last few years in the...
  5. J

    RE: Melany- Dangerous Spiders

    Thanks for the info Will. I hate spiders with a passion. We live near Lake Erie and we have these really big harry black spiders up here, I don't know what they are called but they remind me of trantulas and they can get really big too, whenever I see one I run for the vacume to suck it up...
  6. J

    glass scratcher and climber

    At first we put a aluminium screen on like the ones you use on windows but he was climbing on it and we were worried he would tear out his nails so we replaced it with a pet screen which is the same think but is made from nylon. The holes are very tiny so nothing can escape. I also put my...
  7. J

    Some Pics

    Wow, beautiful collection, the more pictures I see of carpets, the more I want one, but I have seen any around here.
  8. J

    How do you deal with vacations??

    I wouldn't even stay away from home for one night without having a reliable person to look after my animals. First off you can only put enough food in the cage for one day because your feeders have to be gut loaded just before putting them in the cage, also if you put several days worth of food...
  9. J

    glass scratcher and climber

    I live in Canada and it is also really cold here in the winter so we build our cages with three solid sides, a solid floor and screen on the front and top. We find this works great, it helps keep in the heat while still allowing for air flow from the screen and it also helps with the humidity...
  10. J

    Someone Help Cham Dieing Please

    I am sorry for you loss. Please don't give up on chameleons, they are a learning process for all of us and well worth it.
  11. J

    newest panther photo

    Thanks Brad. Yup, he is one of Will's Moroansetra Panthers. I highly recomend Will's chameleons to all you Canadians out there. They are so healthy and Will is wonderful to deal with.
  12. J

    newest panther photo

    Our male panther is getting really big and colourful. I really need to name them soon. Here he is all pissed off at the camera. Today he finally ate crickets out of his cup for the first time. We just love his personality, he is definetly one to be left alone and not bothered or even looked at.
  13. J

    Our Baby Panther

    He is adorable, I also have a male from that same clutch.
  14. J

    Got my hands full!

    Brad you are like a little child who has just discovered bugs for the first time, you are totally obsessed lol. Pretty soon Kitty is going to be in the Guinness Book Of World Records for being the largest chameleon or you can send some extra my way, seriously I am so glad you are having success...
  15. J

    feeder cup help needed

    He will eat the crickets when they are loose but won't eat them from the cup. He will only eat the silkworms and wax worms from the cup. I really need to get this figured out so I can put him in the bigger cage because he seems to be getting stressed now in the glass tank, I guess he is getting...
  16. J

    feeder cup help needed

    I have placed it in several spots in his cage, all within easy reach for him. When I place a silkworm in it he will eat the silkworm only but leave the crickets.
  17. J

    Red Phase Jackson Given Birth

    They are adorable, congratulations
  18. J

    feeder cup help needed

    We are trying to train a 5 month old panther to eat from a feeder cup so we can prepare him for a larger cage but he refuses to eat from it. It is about 2 inches deep and is white. We have placed it in different areas of the tank but he still won't use it. We have tried not putting in any loose...
  19. J

    Silkworms take my stress away!

    I get mine from Brandy has lots of different types of worms and crickets and she is great to deal with.
  20. J

    Wanted: Female jacksonii xantholophus... In Canada

    Where in Canada are you, a friend said she saw some in Toronto.
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