At what age or size would I move my panthers out of their glass aquariums to their new cage? We have a 4x2x2 for the male already build but we are not sure what size we will be building for the female.
About everyday or two I do a spot cleaning by just removing the poop, urates and any leaves that may have fallen off the plants and about once a month a do a complete cage cleaning by removing everything from the cage and cleaning it including the live plants, I use water and teatree oil for...
I have them in a open rubbermaid container with no lid on at all. I always wash my hands with antibacterial soap before I touch them because I had heard they are very weak. The first batch I had I dumped out the poo everyday. This is a mystery to me.
They are in the room with all the lizards so it is nice and warm and they are dry as far as I know. I haven't even given them any more chow, just what they came packed in. I just have no luck with them for some reason.
Twice now I have purchased silkworms and twice now they keep dying. The first time within a week they were all dead. So I thought I would try again and I just received some today and I put them in a large plastic container and I just came home from work, 8 hours later and already about 8 of them...
Poor little guy
Personally I wouldn't go with the compact bulb, I would go with a 5.0uvb tube light. I have heard the compact looses it's uvb really fast and is not as strong. I bought one once and I was advised to take it back and get the tube and I did. Also the tube light fixture can be...
Thanks roo, I will rub some mineral oil on him and hopefully it will help because he is getting real annoyed with the skin now because today he is starting to rub and bit it a lot. I will hold off on the vit. A till I now if it will help or make a bad situation worse. I will keep trying to find...
As you all know the male veiled chameleon I got in December was in pretty bad condition. He apparently was 2 years old but was very small. He has come a long way since then and is now shedding for the 5th time since December. Up untill now all of his sheds have not been good, he always retains...