Shoot, it has a picture of a veiled on the front cover so I guess it's the old one, which I don't want and I just checked chapters and they don't have it, this is going to be harder than I thought.
I think I will just cough up the money and buy Chameleons - Nature's Hidden Jewels" 2nd Ed. I just thought it was really expensive since I seen it on the american sites for around $30.00 but I guess that was the old edition. I am sure it is worth every penny of it so this sounds like a good must...
I just checked on for the book "chameleons- natures hidden jewels" and there is no way I am paying $104.46 for a book, just a little to pricy
I know I read on here there was going to be a list of good books put up, I was just wondering if it is going to be anytime soon because I wanted to order some books to start my collection and I don't know where to start.
I would be so fired if I had them delivered to work, I work in the produce dept. of a major grocerie store. Bugs are not a thing my boss wants at work plus the health inspectors would have a field day with that one.
Thanks Brad, I wish I could get crickets that cheap. I bought some at the expo a few weeks ago and they only lasted a week with having so many mouths to feed. My local pet store charges me $22.87 for 500 crickets and that doesn't even last a week. I would order some from Brandy but no one is...
How fast do crickets grow? They never last long enough here to find out. I wanted to buy a large quantity of crickets so I need to know how fast they grow, example like how long does it take to go to the next size like from a 1/8 to 1/8. I just don't want to buy to many of one size.
Why don't you just go to the reptile expo next month in Mississauga. Picked up a couple of panthers there last month. Your not that far from Mississauga.
It is all in how you interpret it, there is nothing wrong with what I wrote, I am just saying that some have misinterpret the title of this thread so that is why they think they have the youngest chameleon here, if you think I was not nice well that is your opinion, I am stating a fact and I am...
There is no way you have the younges on here, there are lots of people with hatchlings on here, the only reason they are not putting up the age of their young chameleons is because the name of this thread is " Who has the oldest Chameleon??" not "how old is your chameleon" or "who has the younges".
Here are some updated pictures of our veiled cage. We just need to get a new light light fixture for the top that is not shinny and my son is in the process of trying to figure out how to make a misting system. Let me know what you think and if anything needs to be changed, I want all of our...
Why are your parents not helping you by calling a vet first thing in the morning while you are at school and taking him to the vet for you? You are a child and there is only so much you can do without your parents help and guidance. Are they aware of how sick he is and needs a vet as soon as...
The poor little guy, he looks terrible. I thought you were taking him to the vet today. You have a very sick little guy on your hands and the only hope for him now is a vet.