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  1. J

    The Real Sun!

    Kitty's first big outing and you forgot, Brad your slipping lol.
  2. J

    The Real Sun!

    I am so jelous Brad, I can't wait till we can take all of our lizards outside. We are trying to plan out some kind of a enclosure for the backyard, we thought about just bringing out a big plant but we have alot of hawks around here so we need some protection for them. Pictures, pictures...
  3. J

    Tampa Reptile show

    Tyler you should contact the people who put on the show and find out who they are. I am sure they wouldn't want them back in the show again. There are laws againt this and it could hurt your reputation.
  4. J

    scratching at top of cage

    I don't know how to modify it and I have a white one in my laundry room so I will just switch them up. Thank you Brad and Will.
  5. J

    scratching at top of cage

    I just checked and yes he can, darn this means I need a different holder.
  6. J

    scratching at top of cage

    The sides are pet screen but the top is aluminium because the heat light sits on it. He doesn't climb on the top he just sits on the top branch and uses his two front legs and just scratches at it for about 10 minutes at a time.
  7. J

    scratching at top of cage

    A few weeks ago we bought a new light for the top of the veiled cage and it has a UV bulb in one side and a plant light in the other. The light holder itself is chrome. Ever since we put it in he constantly scratches at the screen under it. I thought at first it was because it was new but he is...
  8. J

    gut load

    Thanks everyone for the help on where to purchase these item. A few weeks ago I bought some Roach Coach (Cricket gutload) from Brandy, I assume it is a gutload and not a cricket food which would be great, it would save me the trouble of making it and it was not expensive either. Brandy if you...
  9. J

    Tiny veiled chameleons

    Wow, what a differnce. You have done a wonderful job.
  10. J

    gut load

    Heika I have looked at that recipe so many times and I have no idea where to buy the following items: chaff from loose alfalfa or 3/4 cup alfalfa powder bee pollen powdered spirulina or Klamath Lake algae I don't really like ordering from outside of Canada only...
  11. J

    Help! Rep Cal color

    My rep-cal didn't have a seal on it and it is greyish and it has a sort of powdery smell to it. It sounds like you do have the right stuff.
  12. J

    I've gone plant crazy

    I found a really good site which has lots of pictures, it gives all the details about the plant except if it is toxic or not, here is the link
  13. J

    I've gone plant crazy

    A month ago I never had one plant in my basement, now I have 17, not to mention the 28 I have in the kitchen and livingroom. There are a few more I have my eye on because I am sure I will kill some of these. My chameleons are loving it, it looks like a greenhouse in my basement.
  14. J

    I've gone plant crazy

    Over the last couple of days I have bought a bunch more plants. Everytime I see a plant I think chameleon cage. Pretty soon you won't be able to find my chameleons. All of them just say tropical plant which is a pain in the butt because as much as I love plants I don't know the names of them and...
  15. J

    Tiny veiled chameleons

    Glad two are doing good.
  16. J

    Types of panthers

    Your site is very informative Jenna, thanks for the link. I thought chameleons also came from Hawaii.
  17. J

    speeding up hatching

    Well put Chris.
  18. J

    broken ribs?

    I don't understand why you hesitate to take her to the vet. Would you go to a doctor if you fell in the shower and your ribs were possibly broke? How do you know she is not in pain? I could not stand to see an animal hurt and not do something to help it. One day I was out and I saw a dog that...
  19. J

    Do you think my kids could handle it?

    Chameleons in general don't like to be touched, handled or even looked at. They want to be left alone all the time. If you buy a baby (never purchase a chameleon that is under 2 or 3 months old) then they will get accustom to you handling them when you clean out the cage etc. but as they grow...
  20. J

    Types of panthers

    Wow, very interesting links. Ok now I understand where they get their name from and what is meant by "pure". The only reason I asked about cross breeding them is because I have seen several for sale that are cross breed and I didn't know if this was normal or proper breeding. Now I see what harm...
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