They've eaten through the plastic container they come in from the pet store a couple times on me. Started finding Worm Pupae about a week later around the house.
Some kind of staple protein (Like dog food). And then fruits or veggies every other day.
I do also use roach buffet from
as a gutload....
I also keep water...
Yes, dark greens are great calcium as opposed to most other fruits/veggies (Collards, mustard, kale etc.). Should also use dark greens to gutload your feeders too if possible.
Ones yellow, the other is blue. Thats really it... They are close locales but separate islands near eachother.
Ive also fed them raw fruit/vegetables without mixing the chow. They ate it all up. But as said, they wont survive very log so they'll need fed off.
Speaking of which, anyone have any idea what the nutritional value of the silkworm chow is? Just curious how it compares to gut loading with...
I'm not even sure you can tie a personality to a species. Ive heard good and bad from many of them. Ive personally have owned only panthers but my female is great, she walks over to me when I open the cage because she knows I bring food. The males Ive owned however want nothing to do with my...
In fact they move around a LOT as long as they are yellow. When they turn black they stay still from pupating. Its also suspected that they have even more calcium when they are black, but since they don't move that is an issue. But as far as normal yellow worms, they never stay...
They're difficult to breed. Theyre small so they can be eaten in large quanities. If they were easy to make a colony put of Id say they would be a great staple. But since they're not, I use them as a calcium feeder on non Cal supplement days for my chams
Should be fine. After giving them all that they really dont need you for at least 24 hours anyway. Are your lights on a timer? I just wouldnt leave those on all night if you can help it
Sure don't. Other than her opening her mouth wide open sometimes for no reason, I don't see anything else strange with her so I guess its cool for now then.
If you go to , create an account. You can upload pics there all for free. It will provide you with a link you can copy and just paste it in your thread here. Pretty simple actually.
I was cleaning out my Amilobe cage today. Shes 4 months old. The cage was completely empty and then she dropped a bomb on the floor of the cage. Not a big deal obviously but it was only a urate, mixed with yellowish water. I have been feeding a lot of silkworms lately so I know that will...
Yes, but they will need to be shipped in ice packs to stay cold. You'll have to tell the shipper you intend to cool them. If not they will start they're hatching process in the mail so you cant stick them back in the fridge or theyll die. Basically once they're out of the cold, they need to...