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  1. happy14

    Something in the throat?

    Hi, yes, I know that lately I have two other chameleons have died and now maybe even a third! That's not happened to me the whole of last years! He has been sitting alone and I give him plenty of UV light, and vitamins with water.
  2. happy14

    Something in the throat?

    The temperatures of 25-26 ° C are at 70%. He also has sunken eyes, like my other nasuta females at that time. But yesterday morning he was still fit top and then two hours later, we went to him badly ... .
  3. happy14

    Something in the throat?

    Hi, So I have given him a few drops of water, but sometimes he just spits it out. Yes, the colors are quite normal I think. Unfortunately I can not see in him if something is in his mouth. It only makes from time to time his tongue slightly out.
  4. happy14

    Something in the throat?

    Hi, I have now given my early nasuta some male crickets. Then I come back into the room, so after two hours, and I see that it sits very upright on his branch with his eyes closed and he always tries to swallow and I think out a little gag. But he still is rolling in his tail. I think he...
  5. happy14

    My female is so long pregnant!

    I hope, the eggs are good. Thanks! :D:D:D:D
  6. happy14

    My female is so long pregnant!

    Oh, sorry! No, I mean campani;)
  7. happy14

    My female is so long pregnant!

    She is 13 months old! And she is campani!
  8. happy14

    My female is so long pregnant!

    Hi, my female campnai had now 11 eggs.
  9. happy14

    Furcifer campani

    I hope this... . But if they wanted to do in a few days to rot, then there were, unfortunately, unfertilized eggs. But let's hope the best!
  10. happy14

    Furcifer campani

    I go at Tuesday to my doctor with her. See the eggs are good or not good?
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