Ok, so murph's flex is set up, temperature is running nicley in basking and shade area, but humitidy isnt sorting it self out. After ive misted its getting to about 55% but after that its dropping to about 30%. Im looking into humidifier for the flex and suggestions on one?
Jamie & Murph
Right guys, got her cage set up and running, ive used a reptiglow 5 tube lamp, with a 100w basking lamp also reptiglow. temperatures are at basking 89, and in the cooler area 78, humitidy is average 55-60 but will drop below 40 at times. just getting used to full mesh flex think it would be wise...
Ok, so murph is set up in her new home, shes doing great, eating like elephant, long sessions under her basking lamp, but not been seen to drink yet, Is there any technique to misting by hand i.e can u "mist" the cham or try and avoid any water contact, is there any specific length to a misting...
Hey guys,
Today ive been busy setting up murph's new home, she's got a 100g flex with 2 live plants, hisbiscus and a umbrella tree, both have been cleaned and repotted in non anti cham soil reading for egg laying, pots are 10" diamater with 8" depth. What i need some help with is lighting...
Hey chamelio,
Good luck with the new cham, think u might want to do a few more hours reading up. ive just recently got my femal veiled, took me a few good late nights reading up before i chose her, shes a tough one ;), but best of luck and welcome to the forum
hey jim,
Thanks for ur advice, will let u know how i get on, my flex should be here anyday soon so will post some pics when shes in her new home, again thanks for the advice
Hey guys,
at the moment murphy is in a exo terra tank, im going to rehome her in her new flexarium as soon as it arrives, any ideas on whats the best live plant to be using with a femal veiled cham? is the a fiscus plant with a mix of articifical the way forward?
hey luke,
im about to start making a egg laying pot for my girl, ive been advised by some people on the forum and pet shops that the best "soil" to be used is a top soil and not compost, reason being that composed contains alot of unhealthy ingrediants. some peeps recomend "supersoil" for...
Thanks for the advice,
ive been watching her for a while this morning and she doesnt seem to have any of the symptoms u described for UrI, she feeding well and is exploring her tank. ive recently ordered a 100g flaxarium and should be with me tomorrow so will be reading up on the various...
:confused: hey guys, this morning when i woke murphy up, she climbed from her little tree and planted herself on her branch near her favorite spot, shortly after this, i watched her (what it looked like) take a few deep breaths then apear to yawn, opening her mouth wide as if she was stretching...
well after reading some more threads ive decided to go with the 100g flexarium, just purchased 5 mins ago, "Murphy" is a bit grump at the moment think the cleaning didnt go down to well, oh well will post pics of the new and old set up soon, again thanks for all the advice,
Jamie ;)
wow, what an amazing system, big round of aplause for such a fantastic creation. looks amazing ;) if they sell a complete system like that id gladly put one in my living room ;)
Jamie ;)
Thanks for the advice, any chance u could post the link to the site ( if u have one that is ;) ) where ur getting ur cage from, being from the uk ive not found any yet that are available so i might need to look acoss the pond for one, again thanks for the info
Jamie ;)
Hey guys, at the moment im housing my veiled in a exo terra class tank, i know this isnt ideal but for the moment she seems happy, she's eating well, sleeping like a log at night, and general apperance is she seems happy. come pay day next week im going to create a new home for her in a...
Hey guys, anyone able to point me in the right direction for information regarding the female and the egg laying process. My little girl has only been with me for a week and being about 6 months old i belive she might be in the time bracket for laying eggs. so any information about what to look...