He looks as if he is trying to escape... It is now day two in the new cage and I have not seen him happy in it.. He doesn't seem content in the corner more moving around pushing head up against it(colors really dark)
Okay, so ever since I have put him in his new cage witch is a little smaller. But it's all screened in and plenty of vines to climb on.. He keeps wanting to go to the bottom of the cage to the same corner...
He seems stressed and not happy.. What would be the cause of this.. To much change.. He...
I think he has been acting weird and trying to get to his free range.. I have been monitoring him.. He went all the way to bottoms of cage to the corner pushing against the screen, back and forth. And noticed he kept going to the same side of cage. Trying over and over. So I opened the bottom...
I know this isn't what any of you or I wanted to to see or hear. Ugh.... So I went home on my lunch break.. And found my Cham on the floor of cage hiding in corner. With dark colors(stressed) but as soon as I went to see what was up he slowly moved and then bolted to the top and his colors...
That's intense! But great idea! if I had the time and space I would so do something like that. Yeah I am going to get a new bulb for him. Why kind of bulbs do you use?