So I am wondering if I can leave my veiled Cham alone all day out of cage just in my room well I am at work..or should I leave locked up in cage until I get home.
Also just a thought why does my Cham sit in the strangest positions (like having his whole body twisted)
Yeah I will say this forum has taught me more then any books I have read on chameleons. Thru all my research I did before my purchase this forum taught me pretty much everything, I thought I knew more then i did until i created an account on this forum and started to read and post. So with that...
I would definitely cover the dirt with some rocks. That's what I did works perfect . I also just put a towel over cause I had no money at time until the paper came my way or just go pick some up out side just make sure you wash them.
So I took Apollo outside today for some sun it was kinda windy. So I then decided to bring him back inside. I picked him up to bring him in he got salty with me to where he wouldn't even let me look at him I would try and move my head to see but he would move so I couldn't.. He's now inside on...