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  1. unixmiah

    Dubia roaches hasn't mated? no results yet

    Ok-- so I don't need lights-- which I don't want to use because I already have 4 lights running for my 2 chameleons-- so a heating pad get it to 90 Degrees? No one in the Dubia colony video mentioned any heat or light bulb heat or heating pad heat-- it was only to breed crickets. Show I get...
  2. unixmiah

    Dubia roaches hasn't mated? no results yet

    I'm giving them this thing that smells little like crushed green tea that I got from -- it looks like this green grounded stuff. Dubia munch I guess.
  3. unixmiah

    Dubia roaches hasn't mated? no results yet

    Hi, I recently purchased Dubia roaches to start a dubia roach colony to save money everything time I buy $$ crickets at petco or petsmart. I ordered the Dubais from one of our sponsors from chameleon forums but I ended up getting shorted probably by mistake. They have great reviews and I...
  4. unixmiah

    Comment by 'unixmiah' in media 'chameleon'

    Thank you. The glass enclosure smell after you're done misting. It's got screen on the side and op top it's a screen-- but when he he's a little bigger I'm going to give him the exxoterra or build a custom one screen only-- it's hard to keep moisture in the all screen cage-- when they are small...
  5. unixmiah

    Bamboo forest - throwing it in the oven for Enclosure use

    Hi all, this neighbour literally has grown a bamboo forest in his backyard-- I look at them and thought it would be great to build my Chameleons enclosure with Bamboo. Should I wash and wrap the bamboo in foil and let it sit in the oven on 350 for 20 minutes? How do you sanitize...
  6. unixmiah

    Cat keeps releasing chameleon!

    Are cats Dangerous to Chameleon? I mean, if it was a Fish it would be gone by now or a bird which smells like Chicken? Do cats like the smell of Chameleon? do they enjoy their smell so a point that it's edible for them? are you afraid that the car will smack it around? or scratch it...
  7. unixmiah

    Chameleons progress | Panther | Veiled

    I've had my 5 months old Veiled for about 2 months now and I've had my 6 week old Panther for 1 month now. I got my Veiled from petsmart and my lil panther from Petco. I did want to get them online, but when I saw them in the store I felt like taking it away from those Chain stores. They don't...
  8. IMG 93731

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  11. IMG 51061

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  13. chameleon


  14. unixmiah

    A Chameleon eating everything? possible?

    I didn't know they ate raw shrimp and salmon or even chicken-- i thought they only ate insects, fruits and veggies. I would try shrimp to start off. ty for the info.
  15. unixmiah

    A Chameleon eating everything? possible?

    I just saw this video of this guy that posted a video of his Chameleon eating all types of fruits and vegetables I'm afraid to try, dont want to be disappointed at mine if he doesn't even go near it.
  16. unixmiah

    Essential oils and reptiles?

    Not a good idea. Oils have scents and other stuff that may not be good for them. Any type of smoke, 420 smoke, air freshers, oil, plug in oil should be kept away. You should only blow air if you have a ceiling fan. I did have a aromatherapy mister which I loved having near his cage because...
  17. unixmiah

    Rotten banana in cage for Fruit flies

    Hi, I have a 6-7 weeks old baby panther chameleon, hes below: It's hard to breed fruit flies and I think you need few things, then you have to transport it. Is it a good idea to put a rotten banana in a cup for few days so my lil guy can enjoy fruit flies as a treat? I'd get rid of...
  18. StraightOuttaSomewhere (1)

    StraightOuttaSomewhere (1)

  19. Mr. Skittles

    Mr. Skittles

    Madagascar Chameleon
  20. unixmiah

    Zoo Med Bug napper, Victor M380 Fly Magnet - serving flies as treats

    I really enjoyed him eating them. Chameleons love things that fly (learned from observation only), each time I gave him something that flies that absolutely loves chasing them down. I give him Cricket all the time, but I wanted to diversify his diet. I did not have good luck with superworms...
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