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  1. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    thank you VERY much!!! very helpful!!
  2. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    alright I appreciate your help I'll go to the store and buy organic :) I don't even buy organic for myself :) go figure the crickets will eat better than me :) What all can I safely feed the crickets??
  3. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    what are no no's for food? since they eat anything I obviously don't want my frog eating crap... I'm still learning here and so I'm learning by trial and error but the error part is getting expensive :)
  4. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    how can you be sure they are pesticide free??
  5. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    I will try that...but does it vary that much because the last batch lasted much longer than these and nothing is different... will it help with these ones to cut the skins off the potatoes?
  6. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    no...I buy the potatoes and romaine from the grocery store.. I rinse the food. I don't clean the container with anything other than hot water...
  7. H

    Need help with crickets dying

    Hello everyone... I have a green frog and keep crickets for feeding...I order online from Armstrong and it seems to be hit and miss on keeping them alive...some last to young adult getting their wings (that's as long as I was able to)...I buy them 1/2"... for some reason they are dying off...
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