So my chameleon still wont eat and I am getting really nervous I had to resort to force feeding him by gently rubbing a recently killed worm by his mouth until he eats it. I bought a brand new cage 18x18x36 screen cage. Also, i bought a hibiscus bush he likes to climb all over. Still very active...
I Have a dial type thermometer and dial type humidity gauge.
what wattage light bulb do you recommend?
what other insects are easily obtainable via a store or the internet that you recommend trying to feed?
Also, Is it completely neccesary to change the cage because it is quite expensive to...
Alright So I did change that I now turn off the heat light at night and also the temperature is about 80 degrees now. Also i bought a humidifier to make the humidity from 50% to about 75% which should help. He still is not shedding well and is still on a food strike is there something else I...
Cham Info
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - I have a Male panther chameleon and I have had him for about 7 months. To my guessing i would say he I would say he is 8-9 months old.
Handling - Almost never, gets very stressed and angry when I try to hold him
Feeding - I feed my chameleon...
okay I will change that thank you for the heads up. But, he is still not eating currently I feel a 3 weeks food strike is a bit much. Is there anything else that can be a possibility that is wrong with him??
So I have had my male Panther chameleon for about 7 months and recently I have been getting very worried. For the past 3 weeks my chameleon has been acting weird and I do not know what to do. My chameleon has not eaten in the past 3 weeks. After about 9 days I went to a Exotic herp vet and they...