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  1. TheMusicalCham

    Health Update on Kaiju the Veiled Cham :)

    Some of you may remember that a few weeks ago I lost my beloved cham Kaiju then found him really hurt, took him to the vet and received some medicine for him. Well, I'm here to announce that he's almost completely healed! He's active, green, and his tail is now completely healed! His leg however...
  2. TheMusicalCham

    What is this tree and is it safe?

    I wanted to cut off a branch with some of the flowers still on it because it's so pretty and I thought he would enjoy being up there but he probably would try to get onto the house lol he's so active. When I moved into my house the plant was already there so I didn't know what it was. But here's...
  3. TheMusicalCham

    What is this tree and is it safe?

    Thanks guys I'll try to get a better picture
  4. TheMusicalCham

    Chameleons without natural sun

    I usually just move my cham's entire enclosure outside everyday for about 3 hours and give him a good misting either from 10am-1pm or from 4pm-7pm. I live in Texas so it gets REALLY hot here lol. If you keep them in their enclosure with all of their plants they can hide under shade but mine...
  5. TheMusicalCham

    Official Enclosure Picture Thread #2 - post your pics!

    Hibiscus tree! Here's Kaiju's (JuJu for short) big boy home! It has some fake branches and a pretty red hibiscus tree in there. :)
  6. TheMusicalCham

    What is this tree and is it safe?

    I have this pretty tree in my backyard and I want to know if it's safe for me to put JuJu (my veiled chameleon) up there for some sun time.
  7. TheMusicalCham

    Kinda Baby Veiled Chameleon Escape Please Help!!!!!!

    I found him guys! He's happy and on the road to recovery :) the whole story is in the link above.
  8. TheMusicalCham

    EMERGENCY Skin missing from Cham?

    When I first got him I bought 100 crickets and I made the mistake by opening up the bag thinking they would stay put so I lost at least 10 crickets. I will probably never know where he ended up and how he found his way back to me but I'm just so happy that he's safe now. <3
  9. TheMusicalCham

    Mulberry Tree for Veiled Cham

    Anyone have any experience with having a Mulberry tree for a chameleon? I live in Texas and since Mulberry trees are native here I'd figure it'd have a better time growing and staying healthy. Are Mulberries safe for veiled chams to eat?
  10. TheMusicalCham

    EMERGENCY Skin missing from Cham?

    So good news the vet said he's going to be fine. :) They gave me 10 doses of antibiotic to feed to him once a day for ten days and she gave me this triple antibiotic cream to put on his wounds twice a day. There are no broken bones and he's back to his normal color. I'm thinking he got into the...
  11. TheMusicalCham

    EMERGENCY Skin missing from Cham?

    He should be fine though right? Like he's not going to die?
  12. TheMusicalCham

    EMERGENCY Skin missing from Cham?

    The leg where the skin is missing is a different color but he can still move it
  13. TheMusicalCham

    EMERGENCY Skin missing from Cham?

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Male Veiled Chameleon appx. 4 weeks old Handling - once a week when I clean his enclosure Feeding - 10-15 crickets around noon Supplements - HERPTIVITE Multivitamin for reptiles and amphibians (3.3 oz) Blue Bottle, 1 Pack (once a week) Zoo Med Reptile Calcium...
  14. TheMusicalCham

    Kinda Baby Veiled Chameleon Escape Please Help!!!!!!

    I've checked everywhere this morning and I still can't find him. There's no way he could have gotten outside either so he has to be inside. :/
  15. TheMusicalCham

    Kinda Baby Veiled Chameleon Escape Please Help!!!!!!

    Hi everyone my veiled chameleon who is about 4 weeks old and is as large if not a little larger than my hand has escaped from his cage. I was going to be late for marching band so after I fed him his 10 or so dusted crickets and misted him with my mister (I mist him about 6x daily) I totally...
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