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  1. jlkukuk


    When we first got our chameleon we left a light on at night for heat, the past two nights I've turned it off (after getting advice on here to turn it off) and she sleeps to go straight to sleep until I turn it back on in the morning (of course I don't know the in between hours since I'm not...
  2. jlkukuk


    I'll look for those when I go out to get it, thanks!
  3. jlkukuk


    Yep that is her! Thanks for the info :)
  4. jlkukuk


    Since our little girl's new cage will be here tomorrow we wanted to get her a ficus this weekend, are there any places I should avoid getting one or does it not matter much? Also I need to cover the dirt with rocks, right?
  5. jlkukuk

    Dart Frogs

    How much do you feed yours? That picture is about a month old too, when we first got them.
  6. jlkukuk

    Dart Frogs

    We have two Dart frogs :D They have been very simple to care for, they were actually our first frog. We don't touch them ever and we bought a flightless fruit fly kit type thing from a pet store and they breed themselves but they do eat like little pigs. About 40-50 each a day.
  7. jlkukuk

    What is this?

    Petco did pay for the visit at least, they said they would cover it since she still wasn't doing well. What baffles me is the manager who sold us her has one himself, so he should have known better!
  8. jlkukuk

    What is this?

    Well the Vet visit went okay I suppose. He was an exotic pet one but he said she should be more colorful and that she is kind of skinny, which I agree with the skinny but thought because she is a female and young her colors wouldn't be all there yet? Gave me some supplement for her called...
  9. jlkukuk

    What is this?

    I have an appointment set up for her in 3 hours.
  10. jlkukuk

    What is this?

    She hasn't been much, she ate one cricket the first day and I'm afraid maybe some of the substrate maybe got in her with it. I didn't know she wasn't supposed to have that, she also drank out of a bowl of water (also didn't know, ugh) and maybe from there? She also ate two wax worms and meal...
  11. jlkukuk

    What is this?

    Dang, poor girl. I will call and set up an appointment for her.
  12. jlkukuk

    What is this?

    I've read the white in their poop is normal for pee, so what is this liquid? I was holding her, trying to get her to eat, and it came out. Also she seems really skinny to me. Sorry I am posting so much, I don't know nearly enough.
  13. jlkukuk

    waking different color

    Is it normal for a Chameleon to wake up super dark compared to their normal color? I am getting very worried, her new enclosure doesn't come until tomorrow and she still hasn't been eating except the first day she was here she ate one cricket and then the third she ate 3 worms. We are on day 6...
  14. jlkukuk

    remember that petco veiled?

    That is awful. We just got our Panther Chameleon a few days ago from there, they gave us horrible information on her, I'm thinking I'm going to take them up on the paid-for vet visit to make sure she is okay.
  15. jlkukuk

    How often

    Oh okay, cool. I don't know her exact age, we weren't told, but 3-5 months was the average guess in another thread based on her size.
  16. jlkukuk

    How often

    Oh and we've had her 5 days, she hasn't eaten today yet.
  17. jlkukuk

    How often

    How often should my panther chameleon be eating? Right now all we have are meal worms, wax worms, crickets, and flightless fruit flies but I just placed an order for butter worms. Also where can I find silk worms? I live in Washington. Do I need to order those online too?
  18. jlkukuk


    It was in another thread but I got a lot of bad info from a pet store, the red light is gone and I'm getting stuff for her to have a better enclosure as well.
  19. jlkukuk

    Sleeping the during day

    Thanks, I'm hoping I can turn this around fast tomorrow :)
  20. jlkukuk

    Sleeping the during day

    Petco is where we got her. Thanks for all of the info!
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