When should she start getting more color? I don't which region she came from but she seems to be getting hints of green. The last picture was the first and she was mostly white (her old cage had white vents) and the middle one is the most current (with the tiny bit of green).
Is there a way to figure out how old our little Panther Chameleon is?
Here are some pictures of her.. I figured you all would have a better idea :)
She is our first Chameleon, we've only had her four days so I'm still trying to learn the ins and outs of everything for her.
We were monitoring the temp, they said 80 was way to low at the store. I wish we would have found this site first because it seems everything is wrong. We got a lot of bad info because they told us the setup was perfect for her *sigh*
Tomorrow I am going to try and get a new cage and stuff...
The 150w is a Repti Zoo Med basking lamp. I turned off the red light.
My husband is the one who made the cage and everything so I'm trying relay all of the information. He said there is a filter on the end, it just isn't there right now for that water. He wanted to put fish in it or...
I was worried about the lighting because she was sleeping so much during the day, we thought we were going to lose her. The manager at Petco is the who said we needed it to be at least 90 in there. Is there anything else I need to do? We have a 75w light but it doesn't keep it nearly that warm.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Female Panther Chameleon, not sure on exact age but young. We've had her for 4 days now.
Handling - Not very often, we take her out for a a minute or two at a time maybe twice a day.
Feeding - We have been feeding her gut-loaded small crickets...