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  1. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Does anyone have any information on liver failure? He looks bloated all over and I’m not sure if that could be liver failure and his yawning could be do to being bloated from that instead of uri. I don’t want to give him antibiotics if he’s in liver failure
  2. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    He seems to be bloated? What could be causing this. He poops just fine.
  3. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Here’s photos of his arms. I have been supplementing him ever since I got him but someone mentioned MBD. My vet said his cask was tilted due to being underweight. Let me know what you guys think of his arms.
  4. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    So there are no vets open today and there’s not really much they could do for me anyway. I talked to my vet and he said he could do an X-ray and may or may not find something, and give him sq fluids
  5. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Oh guys I have the best news. His colors came back and he’s no longer pale. I think the humidifier really helped him. He even slowly climbed the side of the box and onto my arm now he’s just resting on my arm. His eyes are still closed most of the time but I’m hopeful he’s doing better. I give...
  6. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    So a 100 gram chameleon would need approximately 5.7 ml of water?
  7. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Found it! I didn’t know this. I’m hoping because I saw him swallow he’s okay. I assumed they were in the same place as mammals, this is very interesting.
  8. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Hole at the front of the mouth?! Do you have an anatomy reference I can look at?
  9. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    And that’s exactly how I did it, I think I may have seen this video and instinctively followed it. Instead of the cask I just grasped the side of his head softly so I could pull the skin under his mouth down
  10. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    No no no! This is perfect as well :) I need all the resources I can get and this is great. Makes me feel a lot more comfortable about what I did because I know that aspiration is a huge problem with force feeding/watering
  11. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    I heard 6 ml/1.35 tsp a day is good for an adult male
  12. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Does anyone have other links about force watering? Because my guy won’t drink at all and he’s on antibiotics. I just need some more advice so I don’t hurt him by overwatering or not giving him enough because he’s in a box as of today and not in his inclosure
  13. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems.. Here’s a success story that I’m hoping my guy can be a part of <3
  14. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Also, what a cool guy :) I liked his video
  15. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    He’s been a bit dehydrated and I don’t think he’s fully recovered, so I actually gave him .5 tsp of water with a syringe by gently pulling his mouth open. He lifted his head up and moved his tongue to swallow and I didn’t hear any choking or wheezing, just some hissing while I opened his mouth...
  16. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    How should I keep him hydrated tonight because he hasn’t drank since 2 days ago and he won’t drink or eat now?
  17. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..
  18. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    Yes that’s what I’m worried about is that he’ll get too hot. I have a temperature gun AND a probe that I have right next to his body in the hospital box that I’m monitoring temperatures with very closely. He’s only 75 right now but I’m going to go 5-10 degrees up
  19. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..
  20. KylieCham

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    I can’t remember where I found the links to posts on this site, but if I find them I’ll post them. They said that the temperatures should be warmer than usual and I should be using warm mist instead of cool mist even though you would normally only use cool. I’ll search for the links right now.
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