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  1. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    i mentioned egg eating snake but my fiance said "oh thats smart, have an egg eating snake in the same house as birds who are laying eggs. we wont have baby birds ever again" (that was sarcasm bc the birds are his babies that he is totally in love with and cant wait for the eggs to hatch)
  2. camaleonte82

    I'm So Excited! (pic heavy)

    yes lol. Barnaby was on my shoulder and tried to get to my head and i swear he was trying to pierce my cartilage
  3. camaleonte82

    I'm So Excited! (pic heavy)

    So i found the charger for my camera yesterday and i went crazy snapping pics!!! :D Zip Zip Sleeping Lulu Barnaby Zip Shed!!! You can see his spikes!!!
  4. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    ever since i was little i have wanted a big Terrarium filled with different species living in harmony... anyone know of stuff that your work? like salamanders with frogs and turtles or anything?
  5. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    Thanks for all the replies! i love suggestions on other animals i didnt think of :) i had a ball python all through high-school named Max, he was FANTASTIC! loved him. but my stupid fiance says snakes are out of the question period, no discussing it or anything. i might as well break up if i...
  6. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    k. so no pig or fox... how bout legless lizard? what do you have to say about the tortoise Trillian? :P
  7. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    totally post pics! i wanna see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    all of these animals i have 0 experience with. thats why i want it. i want to learn about it and have something new and exciting. not another goldfish like i've had since 8 years old lol
  9. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    OOOkay. no judging :P We have 5 chameleons, 5 mice (who i hope die soon, i hate the bloody things), 5 birds, a yorkie, a saltwater fish tank, and a Bearded Dragon whom we just bought from a superb breeder and is on the way here as i type. we plan on getting maybe a sambava male, and a female...
  10. camaleonte82

    Lightning bugs from hell!

    if you were closer i'd hang out with you! :D
  11. camaleonte82

    Insect experts, I summon you!

    actually that was directed at the poster above yours. you kinda posted as i was typing :D i've seen your posts. your a smart one :)
  12. camaleonte82

    Insect experts, I summon you!

    just keep and feed the bug for a few days. whatever is in his body will come out and if he is still alive and well after a few days of eating and pooping hes ready to become breakfast :eek:
  13. camaleonte82

    Lightning bugs from hell!

    i read on wiki that a painter used them in his artwork. i'll admit :o i have smashed a few in my childhood >.> but one with nature i am now, hurting other lives hurts my own it does. :rolleyes: if we searched hard enough, find a scientific paper on them we would. may the force be with you all
  14. camaleonte82

    Insect experts, I summon you!

    that is a katydid. they scare the sh*t out of my co-worker everyday. she is scared to death of them and hates touching the plants we work with, none ever shows itself until she puts her guard down lol
  15. camaleonte82

    umbrella plants

    sorry should have stated that more clearly. the praying mantis wont stay. they can fly and such lol. although a larger screen wont matter bc they dont like squeezing in stuff. in my experience if it cant walk through it easily a praying mantis wont try
  16. camaleonte82

    umbrella plants

    i think if you wash the plants before planting and watch them closely it should be ok. and true he would try to eat them but they wont stay on the umbrellas all day everyday. i think making a big out door enclosure would be best tho bc it would stop any accidental run away by your chams
  17. camaleonte82

    umbrella plants

    have you looked into natural ways of warding off bugs? like mint plants, natural preditors (i.e house geckos, praying mantis) or maybe making at least most of it screened in for better control, like 3 sides and a top
  18. camaleonte82

    Love the full bodies sheds!

    :d Adorable!!:D:D
  19. camaleonte82

    Accidental Breeding

    gave em some carrot, trying not to squish them lol. took all the adults away from them so they would eat em all. how long till they get big? all my pets are eating 1/2 at the smallest hahaha. you're funny :D
  20. camaleonte82

    Accidental Breeding

    so, last night my fiance goes "i think a cricket escaped and laid eggs bc i have found a couple little pin heads today" ... that statement was half right. this afternoon while cleaning the cricket container i noticed it was FILLED with pinheads.... now what? they are sooo tiny
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