So I haven't had any issue with growing I just added a new branch for his basking spot the temp is at 85 to 90 at basking and I was planning on switching to a mistaking soon
Hello everyone so I have been working on miles home and I think it's pretty good the only thing I want to add is some golden pothos but other than that what are your thoughts
P.s. he's just munching on some buggies
Hello I have a male jackson chameleon he had worms and do to antibiotics the vet told me to lightly pull on the bottom of his little neck skin to put his antibiotics in but he is developing a black soft spot that looks almost like it's been rubbed raw any advice
Yes I still have alot more I am currently wanting to do to it I was planning on getting a new tree and some sticks or bamboo sticks to put in there for him but as of last night this is how I had set it up I will do another post with the changes later thank you
Hello everyone I just got this little jackson's but I have moss vines in his enclosure he has never shown an interest in eating them but I do also have the black vines as well and was wondering what would work best he currently is being hand fed to go having parasites