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  1. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    I dont think your thought process is wierd at all, i just thought of chameleon eggs like one would a chicken egg, something that has been an everyday part of my life since i was young. Youre right though, its more risky for chameleon than a chicken. And eating chameleon eggs would be like...
  2. ChameleonClem

    noisy crickets?/cricket escape!

    My mom is very peculiar, lol. Were very close though, so its usally pretty easy to get her to rethink something. Though whem my mom thinks roaches she thinks germs, giant, and generally disgusting. (Cant say i blame her) especially since we found one in our house a few years back (which is...
  3. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    I definitely have tons more to learn before i even think about trying it :p i just thought this would be a fun thread to make to see how others do it. If i ever bred chameleons if would be at least a few years from now, aka plenty of time for me to research (obsessively) lol). Chickens lay one...
  4. ChameleonClem

    Mist King dealer woe - what can I do?

    Cant believe they did that! :eek: They were always kind and replied to my emails within a few days when i delt with them :cautious: but that was back in 2013 :confused: of course nothing like that happened to me. Though i couldnt help but notice they never put any indication of a live animal on...
  5. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    Many people throw out unfertile chamleon eggs. Let alone chicken eggs, then again we can eat chicken eggs.... (If the chameleons growing process in the egg is different than a bird forgive me i dont know) anyways :p, Giving the eggs to someone is a great idea. Are they already embryos when she...
  6. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    Wow i didnt know that, well i knew some chams had live birth but i didnt know jacksons do. :p Obviously i dont know much about jacksons but id definitely do tons of research before i got one. All the research ive done was about vieled's. Ive heard jacksons are a little more difficult to care in...
  7. ChameleonClem

    How to move with a cham?

    It is alot of animals, :p but theyre all our beloved pets, which is why trying to "avoid the stress of moving the animal" is irrelevant to me. Either way i have quite the wide array of pets to move, all i care about is the health of my animals. My animals are my babies :love:. I see why you...
  8. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    I plan on keeping vieled chameleons if i get really into it i might keep jacksons, but that'll definitely be a while. And i do want to breeed my own feeders, especially since i want to move to wyoming where they have harsh winters i dont want to risk my beloved pets going without food. Recusing...
  9. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    Sacrifice you own freedom lol! :ROFLMAO: Painfully true, but luckily i love my animals so i dont mind. :rolleyes:
  10. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    I dont want to do it for profit i just think itd be really cool. :rolleyes: A couple years ago a page said that theyll imprint, but it didnt seem like a very reliable sorce thats why i wanted to know. :p Do ypu mist your babies in your viv or do you use a fogging machine? :p Ive heard of...
  11. ChameleonClem

    How to move with a cham?

    Well its gonna be a year or two before we start getting this wagon train moving, which is why i didnt want to wait. What if we had the actuall shipping type box? Would that work? With heat packs of course, like you said. I already have most of the equipment so less stuff to move doesnt really...
  12. ChameleonClem

    How to move with a cham?

    I plan on moving halfway across the country (us) and i plan on getting a chameleon before then, how do i do it with a chameleon? I plan on doing it by car. Im pretty much clueless so any help appreciated. The maps app on my phone says the fastest route is 18 hours with no stops, from where i am...
  13. ChameleonClem

    Chameleons and elevation?

    im sure chameleons handle elevation change during shipping, but does elevation change effect them? Im currently at about 980, and will probably move to wyoming for example in casper its 5,118, in cheyenne its 6,062. Ill probably stay in the eastern half of the state. But thats a pretty dramatic...
  14. ChameleonClem

    What do you do with all those babies?

    So i dont even have a chameleon currently, but breeding chameleons in the future would be an absolute dream. What do you do with the babies? How do you sell them? How do you keep the babies before being sold? ( like enclosure wise) This is just a thread to what you as an individual do...
  15. ChameleonClem

    How often on vitamins?

    Ill look for a better array of vitamins this time ( i dont currently have a chameleon) i always tried to get him to eat something other than just basic leaf type foods and bugs but he refused no matter how i tried to give them. But what i had/have is a phosphorus free calcium, im not sure if it...
  16. ChameleonClem

    How often on vitamins?

    Every other week for calicium powder, i dont remember if it had vitamins in it though im pretty sure it did, ill have to pull it out. Obviously i still have tons of stuff to research :p. Its scary how many things i was doing wrong when i was so terrified of messing up lol :p And its no problem...
  17. ChameleonClem


    Placing them in a cup works well too, :p i never had any of those ishues when i used tongs. Just hold the food lightly. As mean as it is id usually just crush the crickets knees so they couldnt jump, that way if they did escape the tongs and land outside of the cage its an easy catch. Sometimes...
  18. ChameleonClem

    How often on vitamins?

    Crickets were the staple of his diet but I also fed him cut up night crawlers and bee larve and other moth larve type things alot. :p ive never tried kale but i gave him lots of dandilion greens. I also tried relentlessly to get him to try fruit and things like that (didnt know they could have...
  19. ChameleonClem

    noisy crickets?/cricket escape!

    I could deal with young roaches just fine, but unfortunately, my mom refuses. :p Guess my family will just have to suck it up. And i think its rather genius to breed roches think of all the money saved! Ive been considering trying it with crickets in the summer (so i can leave them...
  20. ChameleonClem


    Glad i could help:rolleyes: i always liked being involed with my chamleons. And I definitely will in the future.
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