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  1. ChameleonClem


    Rotating is a great idea :D
  2. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    I also have one more question for anyone who will answer, how much water do you find your mistking uses a day? I just want an idea of how much. Gallons? A soda cans amount? Less? More? Reason being the instructions supposedly say you should have a drainage holdage and big as your water reserve...
  3. ChameleonClem


    So then it probably isnt a good choice as an in cage plant, but it would be a good plant for free ranging correct? I already have a hibiscus plant and its happy, in good weather i take it outside in the shade.
  4. ChameleonClem

    How many crickets??

    Someone just had the bright idea to put them in a large peanut butter jar. Perhahps you could fix it so your cham can get out, should it fall in, but not the crickets.
  5. ChameleonClem

    noisy crickets?/cricket escape!

    Lol that joke flew right over my head, :ROFLMAO: but i have seen somewhere that was selling male or female crickets. Im pretty sure they were for breeding your own though. And roaches (y) got it.
  6. ChameleonClem

    noisy crickets?/cricket escape!

    Peanut butter jar is a great idea! And i didnt know the females didnt chirp thank you so much :D i hope the website i get them from will do that. Ill keep the thread posted when i get a cham in a few months!
  7. ChameleonClem

    noisy crickets?/cricket escape!

    Any tips on keeping crickets semi quiet? Generally i just put them outside or in another room but sometimes its too cold outside. And my family finds them too loud. Any solutions? Also ive been having alot of trouble with crickets jumping out of the cup while im feeding with tongs. Ive tried...
  8. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Sorry i say that twice i didnt realize i did lol! Silly me:p and no trouble about taking over the thread, ill take what i can get. :D
  9. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Id prefer to order from lllreptile myself, youll have to let me know how it goes for you.
  10. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Im not sure about any of that warranty but lllreptile has always been very intuitive with customer support. Thats where i got my cham and some crickets. If you have a question and email them, theyd always reply within a week. Its been a year or two since ive conducted any bussiness with them but...
  11. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    I see how it works now, looking at the page :p they seem to really care about what you as a customer need. Its refreshing (y) seems like it comes with everything you need. Except of course a reservoir. Do you have ishues with it spraying outside of your enclosure alot? inevitable i know, easily...
  12. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Ill keep the thread updated when i get it :D though itll prob be a while.
  13. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Awesome! I feel so relieved to find good quality, and customer service. :p
  14. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Ill do some more research on it presently, but this is the particular one im looking at. The amazon page is vague. I asume this is electrical? And the canister in the picture is pressurized air? If it is pressurized air will it refill itself? (this is why i asume its electric) Is it loud?
  15. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    Im glad to hear they have good quality and good customer service! When i had chamleons id hand mist the leaves untill there was water drops everywhere, and made sure i soaked the chameleon itself at least once a day. Id also leave some water drops from the top of the enclosure since they seemed...
  16. ChameleonClem

    Friendly chameleon hack? Or bogus?

    :D Big dogs are the sweetest. I dont think my boxer would ever hurt it on purpose but hes a kisser, and i dont think a little chameleon would be amused :p as far as im concered, he can enjoy the chameleon behind the safety of the cage. The only problems ive had with dogs is i used to have my...
  17. ChameleonClem


    Thats what i was concered about, ingesting it. Im glad to hear your plants did so well! :D The heat lamp in my chams cage would always cause my plant to burn and dry out. Im certain it was the potting soil i was using, it was powdery and wouldnt hold water so it caused my plants to dry out and...
  18. ChameleonClem

    Can you feed your chameleon moths?

    I agree with NHenn, definately never feed them anything bright colored. This is a flag in nature saying dont eat me im poisonious. The moths i caught were just wild moths than flew into my house when we opened doors. I was always very watchful for any sicknesses and id never had ishues. But id...
  19. ChameleonClem

    How many crickets??

    I dont know if im in a good position to give advice but i read if your chameleon doesnt eat them within a couple minutes take them oit, because theyll actually eat your cham. :eek:
  20. ChameleonClem

    Constant misting?

    If youre all certain itll last that long i dont mind paying so much for one. Ive seen so many cases where they stopped working in under a year i didnt want to pay 50+ for something that failed horribly, since im not the richest of people :p no one has any trouble with water pooling/ flodding the...
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