The last three eggs are sweating now. I just hope I didn’t mess up the moisture. These last 7 months has been the craziest longest most emotional process. I just want my babies ?
It is fine grade vermiculite. It is moist but not saturated, I have never had moisture build up on the lid before? Maybe they are dry? I don’t put water directly on the eggs ever
They were already slit open when I check them. And I waited a while to see if they were hatching before I cut them out. Idk why they slit on their side themselves though?
I didn’t slit the sides like that, I went to check on them And they had the slit already. The one on the left had a slit and the baby chameleon inside was full formed no egg yoke at all and was dry like it was supposed to hatch. The egg on the right had a slit on the side and appeared to be...
thanks! Sorry I’m so heartbroken. I have done so much research and really thought I had done everything right. I cut them out bc from what I could tell they were not right, and I thought it would help them. But I believe they were already dead. I only have three eggs left and I just want it to...
78-80 has been the highest temperature. We live in Florida. The substrate is vermiculite it’s moist but not saturated. We take the lid off every week to check them and make sure there is no mold and occasionally add water. They were laid 11/24/19
I ended Up cutting them out. The one shrunken one was fully formed and dry. But not moving. The second one still had his yoke. I am so heartbroken. I only have three eggs left and I don’t know what to do. Do I move them to a new substrate ? Do I leave them alone? I invested so much into these...
I have 5 veiled chameleon eggs that I check weekly bc they are due to hatch anytime I believe. They were laid in November and I calculated to start hatching in May. We went to check them this morning and I don’t know if this is normal? How long does it take from them to hatch once the egg has a...