Oh shoot!! I accidentally left it open! I did a water change today that’s why! Also when the water drips out of the hose it falls into another container (on the bottom on his cage) and that container has a pump in it so that pump pumps the water back into the dripper.
I have 2 fakes plants Neptune the chameleon uses what I’m using and I was really struggling with the humidity the only way it would stay up is with the tube like that. Also the tube is my big dripper. Should I switch to a 75 watt bulb instead of an 100
Hi sorry I’m not sure if I already responded to this I forgot. but I did get those live really big plants and then I think I have a 30” by 30” by 18” and the cage is on an old vanity of mine so it is pretty high and don’t worry I took the mirror off so he won’t get scared of his reflection.