Since I obviously haven't been the smartest chameleon owner, I haven't even set an egg laying bin because I thought she was a male! Now I feel terrible! I will definitely try and get better pics tomorrow! Also, how would I lower the temps? Do I remove the basking light or one of the UVB lights...
Since there may be health issues, I will go ahead a fill out all the information and tomorrow morning I will hopefully get better pictures of my cham.
Nosy Be, thought it was a male and now pretty sure it's a female. I'm not sure the age, but I'm thinking around 8-9 months. I've had her/him...
I specifically wanted a sub-adult male panther. I got him at the end of November and he was not very colorful at all. I read that it can take a while for them to get color, but I just can't help to think that this cham is a female. Can someone help me out!
I will be ordering some of those worms soon. The only thing I have for him is crickets and superworms. I have an order of dubia roaches coming as well. I'm trying to really have a good variety for him! I have my automatic mister going twice for only 30 seconds a day. Is that not enough? Thanks...
I have the exoterra mister! I love how tropical your terrarium looks! I definitely need to add more foliage and branches to mine. I tried securing branches to the glass with suction cups and zip ties. Maybe I am just over reacting and second guessing myself!
I have the largest exoterra terriaum with some branches, fake vines, and some live pothos. I wasn't expecting my chameleon so soon and haven't really set everything up yet. I'm having a really hard time securing the branches on the glass terrarium. I'll be running around tomorrow trying to find...
I'm a newbie and will be getting a sub adult male panther chameleon in two days. I've been doing lots of reading and I'm really confused on the light situation. The guy that is helping me with the setup bought 2 UVB100 bulbs and 2 UVB200 bulbs to go on top. Is this right? Wouldn't I also need a...