Yea I noticed that too, just the angle that he is in. Don't worry, ever since I got him no matter how much I feed him he is just naturally skinny, he has a SUPER high metabolism. I feed him a lot but he still is pretty skinny. Plus the way he was perked up made his skin tense.
This is extremely sad, even tearing up over this. I am so so so sorry for your loss of your cham, I have never experienced a cham lost but just losing my Kraken is something so unbearable. I am so sorry, sending love. <3
I have always noticed this, he gets so chill and happy at night, yea when i'm taking him out of the cage he gets kind of mad but he calms down and during the day for some reason he is just kind of pissed off, know why?
My parents legit won't let me see a vet for my chameleon. He IS going to die if he doesn't see a vet, my nearest vet near me doesn't see reptiles. I am actually freaking out, my dad said a hard NO to taking my chameleon to vet and now I realize he is going to die and I can't bear that.
I have ton over 20 pages of research about panther chameleons, so I know well enough about them. I was just asking if they liked any certain things to make them happier, like chasing a cricket for example. Just something with enrichment's.
Hello! I just really need help because I want my panther chameleon, Kraken, to start eating dubia roaches. How often should I feed dubia roaches to him and also any care tips? Thanks. <3
Okay so, I tried hand feeding him so so so much and I've heard people say "hand feeding is the best!" blah blah blah.. But he never takes it and I've tried so much to make him get used to my hand and I've been trying to let him get used to my hand and stuff but he just puffs up and sometimes...