I'm sad to say after checking on her, she is even more weak, and is now laying with her mouth slightly opened, thought she was dead but when I touched her she had a very very slight reaction. However, I do believe she is going to pass on within the next few hours, I feel strongly her chance of...
Hey yall!! So we are back from the exotic doctor. He said it did not look at all like MBD or that she has any signs of starting MBD. or a respiratory infection. So he looked into her intestines and dived into her fecal!! He found that she had an extremely high amount of a certain bacteria that...
I will add I know it is not a guarantee she will get better, and I've been weighing the options heavily, and I just feel, money can always be replaced. I can tell she's fighting to hang on so I'm going to fight too. I'm not going in expecting her to make a full recovery, I'm aware she may very...
Edit: Auburn just called me back and gave me a ball park number that includes various test and injections of around 250 - 300. So I'm off to Auburn with every penny I have!
So, today is the shi//iest day. Reptar is still alive but just barely, im shocked she made it through the night. She finally moved down off her vines and is resting on a moist warm towel I placed in bottom of tank. I've moved her outside for real sun and heat, humidity today is 75 naturally and...
Well, we are back from the vet. I would love to say it went great but it felt like a waste of time, when I called they told me they had experience, but upon arriving it was obvious they did not. They were very quick to see us, accommodating, and friendly, but the veterinarian did not have...
Thank you for the humidity tip! That is something I did not know, I was under the impression the humidity should always try to be at the same level and around 65-70 or so percent, never going under 50. If I can ask, what level do you keep your humidity at during day and night? (I'm assuming you...
And if it means much, I live in Georgia and it has been raining yesterday and this morning so humidity should be high today as the sun rises. Right now it's slightly chilly but will increase to high 70s shortly
Hey all yall that are still watching this, I have a question about the vet - what is the best way to transport a chameleon? When healthy I would probably just carry her on my person, but I am not doing that with her in her current state.
Can I use a cat carrier and prop a stick in it? Should...
Nothing is too far gone until it is gone. Her eyes may be sunk in and her appetite diminished but I would not say she has been given a death sentence (unless I do not get her treatment of course) she has alot of strength and fight in her.
:C I am getting ready to take her to the vet this morning, hopefully with some injections and medicines she will bounce back as fast as she fell down. It all happened so rapid, last week she was so bright and plump, she had belly rolls that were oh so cute. And then, bam. Stopped eating. Started...
Thank you everyone for all your opinions and help, I have set an appointment with vet for tomorrow morning and will let everyone k now how it goes and how Reptar is doing after.
On a side note I've figured out what those pesky little bugs were, they are fungus gnats that thrive in damp soil...
I will do this! Thank you ! Is it true that they can absorb water through the skin? Like enough to hydrate them if they are not drinking, if the water skin contact lasts long enough? And how long do you think, 30 minutes or so?
Sorry, with so much info to put into the post I must of got tongue tied. Yes I was using the dome until recently, I have had it for 4 months and k now that you should replace the uvb light every 6, I thought perhaps her uvb light has stopped emitting properly so I switched to using a 2 foot uvb...
I have a vet scheduled for tomorrow morning, when you get off work and get settled in, of you wouldn't mind can you elaborate on my poor husbandry? I have done alot of research and try very hard to keep her enosure ideal so I am slightly puzzled by all this husbandry talk. I know a glass tank is...
Thank you for all your replies, I call them mites but you're probably right, they look like knats but they cannot fly, they just crawl around. They are common in turtle and lizard and well reptile habitats. I feel confident every reptile owner has seen at least one in their time, they thrive In...
I finally located a vet that has experience with chameleons and have set an apt for tomorrow morning. They will run a fecal and any other test they feel are necessary.
As for husbandry, I know a glass tank is not the best and one with at least 2 screened sides are best - I am picking up a home...