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  1. WashingtonCham

    Panther chameleon new set up do i plant it or not

    People ending up with a swamp in their cham cages cuz of drainage issues like I was talking about. I’m not doubting them I think their awesome I would love to have one myself I’m just not comfortable with them yet and also I’ve heard it’s hard to find and examine fresh fecal samples with a...
  2. WashingtonCham

    Panther chameleon new set up do i plant it or not

    And a 6.5 uvb meter will save you money and make you know your setup is perfect if you invest in one. Most bulbs recommend being changed after 6 months and with the solar meter you can carefully watch them, and usually they last longer than that. and in return within couple years it pays for itself.
  3. WashingtonCham

    Panther chameleon new set up do i plant it or not

    I won’t pretend to know a good misting schedule for your setup. For a screen enclosure I could give you my opinion but honestly that’s a question better asked to one of those guys who has a bioactive setup. I believe in night time fogging for about 4 hours and a mist right before he wakes up...
  4. WashingtonCham

    Panther chameleon new set up do i plant it or not

    Depending on the cham a lot of them hold onto trees in monsoons if you can imagine that. So they are not weak fellers By any stretch.
  5. WashingtonCham

    Panther chameleon new set up do i plant it or not

    I’ve heard and seen some horror stories. Some people think bioactive means no work. And that’s not how it is. But like I say I’m not trying to steer anyone away. but maintaining the proper misting schedule and amount of time the mist has to be on and being able to absorb that amount of water in...
  6. WashingtonCham

    Panther chameleon new set up do i plant it or not

    Bioactive enclosures are very tricky to keep from mold growing etc unless you really know what your doing and with a cham that can be even more of an issue. I’m not trying to discourage you as to just make sure you do your research and really understand what can go wrong and how to prevent it. I...
  7. WashingtonCham

    10 Month Veiled eating Majesty Palm and Japanese Aralia!

    Would be awesome if they did a real scientific study on this and also how chams synthesize vitamin a in the wild.
  8. WashingtonCham

    10 Month Veiled eating Majesty Palm and Japanese Aralia!

    I bet you can find a tree similar that is known safe. Money trees are nice and also a ficus benjamina. Honestly I think that sometimes we’re overly cautious in this area but also that being said sometimes it’s better safe than sorry, and to leave the experiments to the breeders.
  9. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    I’m planning on two sides just so I can easily see my cham as well as keep good ventilation. I’ve only seen 3 full sides on dart frog cages although I have seen partial 3 sided foamed just left room at top and bottom of cage for air. Another thing is make sure your plants have drainage either...
  10. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Yes you want to mount all sticks and plants and have cage together or good luck getting it after the pond foam dries.
  11. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Ok that’s what I thought, thanks everyone for all the advice if anyone has any other pics of their enclosures using pond foam I’d love to see them even the most basic.
  12. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Ok or another thing I just thought of maybe just coco fiber the obvious spots you can see from front of cage and leave rest where he’ll be most the time empty as for like you said easy cleanup. But thanks for the advice I hadn’t thought of it that way before
  13. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Bill strand of chameleon breeder podcast gave me that idea from his episode about mounting plants I can’t take the credit haha. But it is a great idea.
  14. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Thanks for the pics to. I think I got most of the instructional part down it just really helps to see what other people did. I’m also planning on buying a full sandblasted manzanita tree and breaking it up for my cage. Any other wood recommendations I just want it to look cool and natural
  15. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Yah my plan is to have a shelf with a few carnivourous plants it top corner opposite of basking side and then to zip tie all my branches and pots where I want them and then spray over. When you put your coco fiber on the back did you scrape the foam before sticking it on? I’ve heard it doesn’t...
  16. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    I found these plastic black pots that are super hardy won’t Bend easily so I think I’m gonna use those as my base and then just slip another pot with the plant inside once it’s done so I can easily replace plants if needed. Those look awesome.
  17. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Will do. One thing they get you on is you have to buy the ten dollar bottle of gun cleaner as to clean the foam out after use and it doesn’t come with any. But apparently using the gun makes it so you can reuse a bottle without it hardening I haven’t tested that myself though
  18. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Pond foam on the leg hairs can’t feel good haha
  19. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    I gave it a go on a practice outdoor little setup I made for my guy so I kinda got the feel for how it works. But I was thinking maybe try to carve something cool maybe a simple tiki face idk. Honestly everything is gonna be covered in plants anyways.
  20. WashingtonCham

    Anyone worked with pond foam on large cages?

    Haha yah I got that tip and wear gloves. I invested in the actual pond foam gun as to have a little more control at least in theory haha.
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