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  1. J


    Wow thats amazing. I’ve heard if you over do it, it can be a really bad thing which is why I was worried about supplements. The only time I would ever plan on keeping him inside is if it ever gets too cold which is on and off for a few months here in Orlando.
  2. J


    Oops sorry I just read the part where you had already told me it was plastic coated :rolleyes: anyway you said they don’t need much supplementation when they’re outside. Does that mean calcium and vitamins maybe twice a month? Since you keeps yours outside what’s your regimen?
  3. J


    Also those cages look great! I’m not much of a builder but I know someone who might be able to haha I only saw the pics with the wood frames. Do you use chicken wire?
  4. J


    My patio is not screened and I live on the 2nd floor so I’m not too worried about predators. Only animals I ever see roaming around are squirrels. The area where he will be is partly covered by a large oak tree so it will also be shaded with some parts of direct sunlight. Once the sun has passed...
  5. J


    Hi everyone! I’m planning on getting a male baby veiled and had a few questions on supplementation. I would like to keep him outside because I know that’s what’s best for them. I plan on keeping him on my patio which gets about 4 hours of direct sunlight (I live in central Florida). If the 4...
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