i dont know my female's weight but shes probably around 9 months old. shes pretty massive to be honest. the male is only 4 months old is it even possible for him to be fertile. theyre having trouble mating because the male is so small he cant even reach down there LOL
im pretty sure my female veiled is sexually matured but my male is absolutely tiny! When does a male become sexually mature because I thought they grow up to 2 ft but my male is only 20cm! He has some nice coloration tho. Are they actually mating or is the male just horny and mounting without...
i have superworms and mealworms in a seperate container. I want to put them all together tho. Will the superworm eat the mealworms since its a lot bigger, also i heard that meal worms has an exoskeleton thats harder to digest than superworms, if i feed a superworm that has eaten a meal worm will...
about 8-10 medium sized crickets a day or 4 large dubias, sometimes i feed every other day. i used to feed her 3-4 super worms a day but i stopped that and only feed it to her as a treat maybe 2 worms every 3 days. dusted with calcium, multivitamin and d3 twice a month. also some meal worms here...
as much as i wish your statement is true, there really isnt other insects for sale here, just crickets. superworms, and dubia roaches. do you know if there are any suppliers that provides international shipping?
hi guys I live in Taiwan and pretty much the only accessible feeders here are crickets, meal worms, and super worms. I really want to give my chameleons a treat and give them a diverse diet. I know a lot of companies don't ship outside of North America and I am wondering if you good people can...