yea i just use a box with a stick in it for traveling... he just goes to sleep once in it :0
i find it to be less stressful for him when he just goes to sleep for the entire trip, so whatever you use just cover it with a towel or something.
Hi yea i just had the same problem not too long ago. Here is a link of the posts that got me threw it.
Warm water bath + shower, ky jelly, and tweezers. Make sure not to break the plug otherwise it will be much harder to remove. :eek:
OK i gave him a warm bath and have been putting ky jelly on the prolapse area. I gave a few twists and eventually got the sperm plug out!!
This thing looks absolutely disgusting....
So now i need to worry about the prolapse. Since the whole thing went back in this morning should i wait...
Well this sperm plug can go all the way back into his body, along with his prolapse junk, because it was not there in the morning but when i came back from work it was sticking out again.....
So i gave him a 15 min shower. Towards the end of the shower i tried yanking the thing out but it...
Yeah the pink tissue seems to have dried a bit and the sperm plug is getting kind of crusty ..
I don't have KY but i have petroleum jelly. Should i get a q-tip and wipe it around his junk, wait a bit, and then yank that nastiness out?
OK, so I've noticed my boy has been trying to poo for the past couple days and I'm pretty sure now that he must be constipated/ something is blocking his poop machine mechanism...
I don't really know how to describe it but something is clearly wrong. Here is a picture.
Should I try to...