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  1. MadSince95

    Floor Walking

    Cute :) thank you
  2. MadSince95

    Floor Walking

    Yes definitely a male lol Kaleo is too colorful to be female.
  3. MadSince95

    Floor Walking

    Hi! Concern, chameleons arent supposed to walk on the bottom of his cage but he does sometimes, he climbs fine and theres nothing wrong with his legs. Is he okay;?
  4. MadSince95

    Feed directly??

    Thank you so much :) I will
  5. IMAG0585


  6. IMAG0569


  7. MadSince95

    Feed directly??

    Oh phew :) that's good to hear, he just loves to nom squash I'ma try mangos and strawberries
  8. MadSince95

    My panther chameleon eating watercress..good for him?

    Mine ate squash today he didnt even use his tongue just bit down and nommed it!
  9. MadSince95

    Feed directly??

    Sooooo I was gut loading my crickets today and I always have Kaleos cage open so he can get used to me and I was kneeling in front of the cage to feed the crickets and I left some chopped up squash on the table his cage sits on...(I hopnoe squash is okay to gut load with) I was putting the...
  10. MadSince95

    Update!! 7months old!

    He's my lil dino :D
  11. MadSince95

    Update!! 7months old!

    He is such a sweetie :) thank you! :D he's gonna be so bright when he's older.
  12. MadSince95

    Update!! 7months old!

    I love him so much ^^ he's 7 months old and is stuck between red bar and blue bar :) my Kaleo pix are kinda big >.<
  13. MadSince95

    Spider!! ick.. this bad for him? I took Kaleo out for feeding and I was on my bed, there was a spider on the wall and I wasn't watching him...he ate it..
  14. MadSince95

    Jackson Chameleons??

    Question. Are Jackson Chameleons far from Ambilobes when concerning care?
  15. MadSince95

    white nose?

    Alright thank you :)
  16. MadSince95


    :0 I'm excited
  17. MadSince95

    White at night?

    It's so weird
  18. MadSince95

    White at night?

    Haha cute :) chameleons are odd cute lil creatures
  19. MadSince95

    White at night?

    So i understand some chameleons turn their best colors at night, I was so scared when Kaleo turned white. But then I learned it was normal for him, but why white? Is he relaxed?
  20. MadSince95

    is his color telling me something?

    My Ambilobe turns white when he sleeps. Scared me at first too but he's okay.
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