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  1. Henry66

    Sick Baby Veiled

    lower the basking temp for sure
  2. Henry66

    Bluebottle Flies?

    Thanks I will be sure to check them out
  3. Henry66

    Bluebottle Flies?

    Hi CF, I wanted to get my little guy some bluebottle flies. Anyone know where to order them without buying too much of them? Also how do you guys put the flies in the cage without some of them flying out your container? :)
  4. Henry66

    Cage problem

    Maybe add foliage to create darker parts in the cage for him to sleep in.
  5. Henry66

    It's finally coming together

    Sounds awesome :D Cant wait to see pics!
  6. Henry66

    Juvenile veiled chameleon, how much to feed it?

    I think juveniles should be eating pinhead crickets. I feed my little guy about 15 a day but he wouldnt mind having more :D
  7. Henry66

    Chameleon eating enough

    Thanks Carol I ordered silkworms for him that will be coming Monday. :D
  8. Henry66

    Chameleon eating enough

    Is 15 crickets for a 4 month old panther enough. He seems to always want more
  9. Henry66

    River stones

    Thanks!! :)
  10. Henry66

    A pic of Fiji

    Thanks Lauren :D
  11. Henry66

    A pic of Fiji

    Thanks jannb! :D
  12. Henry66

    Yellow around mouth..start of mouth rot?

    Wow that's a gorgeous chameleon :) I was also wondering where did you get that stick he is standing on.
  13. Henry66

    A pic of Fiji

    Here's a better pic of his colors :)
  14. Henry66

    River stones

    Will boiling river stones get rid of the bacteria?
  15. Henry66

    Here He is!

    I'll try to get pictures tomorrow hes a little camera shy :)
  16. Henry66

    Here He is!

    Alright just checked the ingredients no fertilizer I think its just perlite. I'm gonna get river rocks tomorrow and cover it up. Good thing he has not eaten any dirt yet.
  17. Henry66

    Here He is!

    I used this organic soil does it include fertilizer?
  18. Henry66

    Here He is!

    Hes a mix mostly Amilobe and Ambanja though
  19. Henry66

    Here He is!

    This is my new chameleon from Kammerflage Kreations! :D Any name?
  20. Henry66

    New Chameleon

    Hi CF, my chameleon came yesterday and i've been letting him settle in. Pictures will be coming today! He already ate 15 crickets yesterday and 15 today. So pictures will be up soon. :)
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