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  1. sativa420


    i had that same problem with pablo. when he was a baby it would take me 20 min to find him.
  2. sativa420

    Spectrum: blue vs red

    yea and ill kick your sorry ass...........just kidding. i also wondered about keeping cams umder halide lighting. the only problem i see is heat. also i dont see cams likeing hps as the red coloration. mh looks more like natural sunlight so i see that being a better choice. u get my pm dank?
  3. sativa420

    tough guy!

    ya that was my downfall. i was too proud of my ladies.
  4. sativa420

    tough guy!

    na dude i live in an apartment. he stays inside. hes got a 24" 5.0 uvb bulb and a 60 watt regular light bulb. next to a window. i tke him out for 20 min to an hour a couple times a week.
  5. sativa420


    boil them or somewhere i herd you can wrap them in foil and bake them. i dunno some one back me up here. but i know for sure you can boil them to sterilize.
  6. sativa420

    tough guy!

    damn dude that sucks. how many cams you got? ever since my last hobby got busted by the po pos i moved to chameleons. i cant decide weather to get a female veiled or a panter next. some dude on got some sick lookin veields. you should chekem out.
  7. sativa420

    tough guy!

    owls? im confused. but here are some more pics i took today after his shower. i hope more of the red and orange comes in i really like it.....
  8. sativa420

    tough guy!

    looking good. how old are they? oh and pablo is a beast. i gotta practly wrestle him out of his cage.
  9. sativa420

    Help plz! my panther is havin some eye troubles:(

    can you post pictures?
  10. sativa420

    Having troubles

    hes probably tired of crickets. spice up his diet and leave out the crickets for a while.
  11. sativa420

    Female jackson w/ a slight horn...

    its like any animal. if the mothers parents both carried the red trait then if bred with a green you got a 50 50 chance. but if the red was already 50 50 if bred with another green then 25 percent. but since the red gene is present there is a good chance some of the offspring will be red. has...
  12. sativa420

    dark all the time?

    how old is he? if he is still very young 91 might be a little high....
  13. sativa420

    Going away

    just make sure your feeder cup is near the front so she doesnt have to open the cage much or put her hand in very far
  14. sativa420


    although this does not sound like an ideal enclosure. if you and your chameleon are happy(healthy) with it then keep it. im sure plenty of people will have bad things to say but you seem to know how to keep it clean. good luck with your cham and keep us updated on how he does. p.s. get a...
  15. sativa420

    brown coloration

    thanks. i am very proud of my little boy! hes turning out better than i expected!
  16. sativa420

    Going away

    pre make your feeder cups. make 10 or so incase some die. that way she can just put a cup in the cage.
  17. sativa420

    mostly orange yemen

    i agree but this is only the second chameleon i have seen like this.
  18. sativa420

    Feeding Locusts

    i herd not to feed them yellow and red grass hoppers. is this true? if so how come?
  19. sativa420

    mostly orange yemen

    check this guy out. found him surfin the web...
  20. sativa420

    Humidity never over 60% ??

    i live in dallas...
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