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  1. sativa420

    brown coloration

    thats whats up. you got any pics of him? whered you get him from?
  2. sativa420

    Humidity never over 60% ??

    Dont know what kinda vegitation you got in there but i live in texas where humidity can be low (though not lately with all the rain and flooding) but if you put more live plants in your cages it will up the humidity.
  3. sativa420

    Shedding issue

    i wouldnt worry about it. you might not be doing anything wrong. my yemen is shedding right now and he does it in sections. his head, then his legs and back, then finally his sides. it usually happens as they get older.
  4. sativa420

    He Fell !!!!

    ya man hes straight. plus, survival of the fittest, if he doesnt make it he wouldnt have in the long run. you know what i mean?
  5. sativa420

    brown coloration

    thanks. hes 7 months old so im sure hes got a lot more color to come in.
  6. sativa420

    brown coloration

    turns kinda redish when hes out side. almost like a burgandy
  7. sativa420

    brown coloration

    any one else ever see this brown coloration in their yemen chameleon? if so what color did it turn to when he grew up or did it stay brown? thanks
  8. sativa420


    i agree with para. people just need to stop buying the reptiles in the store so they stop selling them. last month at petland i saw a decent sized yemen in a glass cage as big as my head. with nothing but a log for him to sit on. poor guy was scared shitless all he gets to do all day is sit and...
  9. sativa420

    Big Problem

    since this insects easts mostly flowers check your yard to see what kind of flowers you got growing. then check online to see if they have toxins. the only concern might be the fact the insect has a pretty hard shell which wont digest really well. but i wouldnt worry too much. the insect itself...
  10. sativa420

    tough guy!

    he just might. espically if you got him from mike at flchams. his brothers and sisters are the $100 dollar yemens he is selling right now. he is only 6 months old right now so he still has alot more color to come in.
  11. sativa420

    happier veiled?

    oh yea? i did the same thing. was going for business now going for plant biology.
  12. sativa420

    tough guy!

    yea pablo has alot of attitude. he always hisses and lunges at me but once hes on my hand he calms down.
  13. sativa420

    tough guy!

    today i had pablo in the bathroom on his new plant and he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror for the first time.
  14. sativa420

    happier veiled?

    good shit. i got pablo from mike and im thinkin of gettin him a lady instead of a panther for right now. what you going to school for?
  15. sativa420

    zoo med vs. exo terra

    which should be used on a veiled a 5.0 or a 10.0?
  16. sativa420

    happier veiled?

    thats great. what locale is she? whered you get her from?
  17. sativa420

    happier veiled?

    well i would keep her in a seperate cage of corse. but i guess what im getting at is if i breed him would he rather be gettin down on some chameleon ass every once and a while or no?
  18. sativa420

    zoo med vs. exo terra

    yes. i read on a post some where that chams actually react differently when one or the other is used
  19. sativa420

    happier veiled?

    i was wondering if by getting a female friend for pablo will this make him happier? or since they are solitary will this cause him more stress? i have been planning on getting a female for a month or so and was wondering how this will affect my little buddie.
  20. sativa420

    zoo med vs. exo terra

    i was wondering if some one could please explain the debate about these two as i hear there is a big difference in quality. thanks alex
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