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  1. sativa420

    chams in the closet?

    i would basicly cover the room in 3 mm plastic sheets. its a veiled
  2. sativa420

    chams in the closet?

    i have a 4 foot by five foot closet i was wondering if i filled it with lights and plants could i keep him in there? and maybe add a ventilation fan. would this work?
  3. sativa420

    Vieled moprhs?

    yes same here. if you decide on selling please let me know!
  4. sativa420

    Your First Chameleon

    pablo heres a pic of my first chameleon i got about a month ago. his name is pablo and hes a veieled. i like panthers but ive decided to breed veileds so if ny one know where i can find interesting morphs let me know
  5. sativa420

    question about coloration

    are there variables in a chams life that affect its coloration. like food, light, enviorment? or is it totally dependant on genetics?
  6. sativa420

    my new cham

    thats cool. i figured the blue would change to yellow. but was hoping not. question. how long should i wait to get another cham if this is my first. just wondering because i was thinking of getting a panther next.
  7. sativa420

    my new cham

    that is a bad ass name though for a little girl. im excited to see what hes gonna look like when he gets older. any ideas? hers a few more of him and his cage. im working on the plans for his permanent home. but that wont be till he gets bigger.
  8. sativa420

    my new cham

    for got to mention he is a 4 month old veiled. from FL Chams. Thanks Mike!
  9. sativa420

    my new cham

    this is pablo. tell me what you guys think!
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