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  1. takisxx

    Chameleon Poop 101

    Fresh poop!whats that yellow on urates?
  2. takisxx

    Large indoor enclosure

    Extremely nice!
  3. takisxx

    New veiled chameleon.

    Hi there, if you cant raise up the heat should buy a dimmer(ill buy this one from greece ) so you can fix the temprature like you want! Its super easy method
  4. takisxx

    Temps and humidity

    Ventilation like? Mine Enclosure is closed all around except front door and top side(i have a mesh there) is that enough?
  5. takisxx

    Temps and humidity

    Is there Any way to decrease humidity?i have 60 in my home and ofc 60 all day in enclosure...what can i do?
  6. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    What should i do?with what material?
  7. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    ill try some black tape on it thanks!
  8. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    took out the crickets and i put one by one on a front wood (free range) when he saw the 1st cricket he ate him,i just use this routine again and again finally he ate 3 crickets and 1 superworm...but he refuses to eat from feed runner! guys thanks you very much for your patience
  9. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    all day doing this...up and down ,up an down he still doesnt eat..when i opend the door at the morning he just come on me to come out of hes enclosure and he stand at the top of it ...i dont know what behavior is this.. check the video
  10. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    Yes the new enclosure its so diferrent from old.the new one is bigger than old!i got new supplements(on new one) like arcadia tho 6%. i got 3 plants inside( in the old I had one ),i also fix tempratures.
  11. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    I dont know if i can find in greece vet for chameleons... But ok ill try from monday!
  12. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    Yes ofc,i use repashy lod on every feed
  13. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    The truth is i take him out usually on sundays for an hour or 2 hours and thats all!hes is 6 months old and this with food started when i change enclosure!the other "weird" behavior is that:some times in day he goes all around hes enclosure like hes patroling from up to bottom he stays at...
  14. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    1st day with this system and he doesnt touch anything! 3 crickets, 2 dubias, 2 super worms still inside! Lets see
  15. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    @Beman you give me great idea about feeder run and i just create this! I hope he will eat. Thanks for the idea!
  16. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    Thanks you very much.whats is the feeders run?ill try the stones thanks you for your time and for advice!
  17. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    They are in pots he eat 2 crickets.but not from hes bowl.crickets has escape and he hunt them down! Only 2
  18. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    Today pictures!
  19. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    hmm today was a bit strange...cant expain it...there was more black than usual but white was ok. edit: sry the above answer is not valid,i ckeck the today fecals right now.
  20. takisxx

    Is he healthy,what do you see from pictures?

    no i dont have going crazy with this situation,,cant think anything about it
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