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  1. scott52019

    Anyone keep nepenthes with their chams?

    if so I have questions: 1. How often does your mister mist the nepenthes a day and for how long? 2. What kind of grow light do you use?
  2. scott52019

    Please Post Your Cage Setup Here..

    Does your croton do well on the bottom of the cage? I want to do the same with mine but I thought they liked bright light
  3. scott52019

    Problem with mist system

    That did it. Thanks so much!!
  4. scott52019

    Problem with mist system

    Every time I plug the mist system into the wall, water goes everywhere outside the cage. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Any ideas?
  5. scott52019

    New male Oshaughnessyi

    Don't buy from them again. I had a sick tortoise delivered and he didn't make it.
  6. scott52019

    Where can I learn about the care for Parson's?

    I want to learn about parson's now because it will be a long time before I get one.
  7. scott52019

    How often do you water plants with heat bulb in enclosure?

    I.e. Pothos, umbrella tree, ficus, croton Also for hanging plants, how do you get them to hold onto water so they don't keep dripping?
  8. scott52019

    How do you mount plants in a dragon strand cage

    I have a pony tail palm, umbrella tree and croton that i would like to mount somehow so it's up where my guy is and he can hide.
  9. scott52019

    Plants not doing well, is it the light?

    I have an umbrella tree wilting and a ficus that has dropped a lot of leaves. The flora sun is the light I've been using. My nepenthes seems to be doing fine, it just needs to be more wet (working on that). What should I do?
  10. scott52019

    Why does he keep doing this?

    He seems to do this before dinner time whenever I'm in the room with him. I did make it so he can get back up to his trees. Should I be concerned or is he just a weirdo?
  11. scott52019

    Where would I look for Walking Sticks?

    Don't forget romaine lettuce.
  12. scott52019

    How can I get my panther to not be a picky eater?

    I've offered dubia, crickets, superworms and hornworms. He likes hornworms and crickets, not sure if he likes superworms anymore and won't eat dubia. Is there a way I can break the hunger strike? How can I get him to eat dubia again? I'm worried I'm stunting his growth somehow because he is such...
  13. scott52019

    How is my setup for my panther?

    I will use window insulation to hold humidity in and I will go to ikea this weekend to get some tables for the cage.
  14. scott52019

    How is my setup for my panther?

    The humidity gets to be around 50-70 percent. I changed some stuff around and added more heat.
  15. scott52019

    How is my setup for my panther?

    He is starting to eat more because he was on a hunger strike. Crickets, superworms and sometimes hornworms. He is an extremely picky eater. Anything to make him eat more? How is my setup? What should I be doing differently? P.S. Is it normal for him to be that dark color? He seems to do it...
  16. scott52019

    Would it be safe to feed my panther an anole I got from petco or petsmart?

    Sorry for the late reply. There's a show coming up in my area and I would think they would have anoles that have been bred for several generations. I could ask. Chameleons have to eat other lizards in the wild, it's just common sense.I saw a thread where someone's veiled ate a humming bird...
  17. scott52019

    Would it be safe to feed my panther an anole I got from petco or petsmart?

    Variety is the spice of life. He is also a very very picky eater. I'm waiting on some green banana roaches in the mail but he probably needs food now while I wait for them. I would only do this once in a while.
  18. scott52019

    Would it be safe to feed my panther an anole I got from petco or petsmart?

    I don't want harmful parasites. I would think they captive breed them but I don't know
  19. scott52019

    Looking for recommendation on superworms.

    I have a little less than 1000 supers. My guy won't eat them so I would give them to you for $20 if you're interested.
  20. scott52019

    So much room for activities... How can I hang my carnivorous plants on the right side of the cage?

    Ok, maybe "hating" is an exaggeration lol but I've been told it would be hard to do. I see what you're saying though. I don't think he would damage them because I'm pretty sure he doesn't eat plants like some panthers do. I caught him once but he must have thought it was a bug and spit it out...
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