He's probably just scared of you. I'd let him get used to your presence until he stops. I just got a chameleon myself, so I could be wrong, but I have experience with other reptiles--one even less human-friendly. Mine used to lean away from me if I got near the cage, but now- a week later- he...
Ok thanks! He's already getting better!:D He's not entirely sure about me still though.. I also haven't named him yet.. my family's coming up with rediculous names, so I just don't know.
For the tokay, (I may have said this in my previous message) I have to take him out of his tank with my...
I just got a veiled chameleon yesterday. He was very friendly at the pet store, but he leans away from me whenever I get near his cage. He is about a year and a half old and was handled every day at the pet store. The owner even took him out and allowed me to stroke his back lightly.:D