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    Hello I need some help with travelling with my chameleon

    What American airlines allow chameleons in the cabin? Hello, I'm traveling to Hawaii from NY. Please suggest me airlines that allow chameleons with you in the cabin. Thank you.
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    Is there a moisturizer I can apply to my chameleon?

    Backbone scales Thanx. My chameleon backbone scales are chipping off. Like so in the images. Do you know what are the causes for that happening to him?
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    Is there a moisturizer I can apply to my chameleon?

    Can I apply something natural to my chameleons skin for moisturizing porposes?
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    Traveling with my champ to another country

    Hello, Has anyone gone to vacations with their chameleon to another country? If so, did you had a sanitary certificate or permission of any sort? Did you face any inconvenience?
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    My cham has big balls

    Big balled cham Thank u GabeCastro I feel better. If any body has something more too add please do. I've attached another picture.
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    My cham has big balls

    Hey all! I'm posting the picture of my panthers behind. Is that swollen looking sack behind his genitals normal?
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