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  1. Chamster

    Pictures of your veiled chameleons

    ill get this thread going by posting first... :)
  2. Chamster

    New cage? Where is a good place to buy a nice adult cage?

    i put my 2.5 month old veiled in an adult cage right away
  3. Chamster

    Tube Cage

    very easy, simple and securely done. This can be done on a larger scale too. the same tube cage made 5 times as big would be awesome for a cham.
  4. Chamster

    feeding method in action..

    that actually makes sense. i got my crickets in a tub with egg cartons as their shelter. technically they can climb up and get away, but since there are the egg cartons they don't bother running away.... i might actually try this container thing.....
  5. Chamster

    male veiled. getting big

    i always wanted to know how old your veiled is. the one in the avatar....looks like an old dude..
  6. Chamster

    feeding method in action..

    nice idea but i don't get how the crickets can't get out of there.! they must have escaped before......idk how to believe they never escape from the cut out container. that is a sick idea tho, I'm just having a hard time believing crickets can't escape it. maybe i have a thick head.
  7. Chamster

    misting times

    my guy despises the water.! he wants nothing to do with it. I've seen him drink once lately and when he was me he stopped. i saw his drink from drops handing off the ceiling cage. i think he does it regularly since he has done it before no reason why he won't keep drinking off there...
  8. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    oh okay...that seems easy to do....and looks very secure as well (knock on wood) i try my best to take care of the little fella.:)
  9. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    thanks again for the help and the extra pictures :). my guy is a couple of days shy of 8 months. :)
  10. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    OMG!!!! 50!!! WOW thats a lot and they must keep you busy 24/7! i still can't believe it actually I'm having trouble absorbing the number .... going back to the bungee cables, i think i would have to put wholes in the walls... its gonna screw up the walls because it means that i need 2-4...
  11. Chamster

    misting times

    i was searching in google for the ideal 'white urates' just to be able to compare my chams urates to, but i just could not find a decent picture. there are good urates and excellent urates, I'm just not sure which ones my cham has.
  12. Chamster

    misting times

    i have never seen my chameleon drinking and I've had him for 5 months now....i mist for 1 min every 2 hours....urates seem ok...they're white.. never seen him drink ever!!:(
  13. Chamster

    Tetty Layed them eggs

    how long do you have to wait for?
  14. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    hahaha thanks for the pic my friend. this is a nice free roaming area i have to say. provides a much larger plan of extending my chams roaming area around the whole room is going to be challenging i have to be honest from what i can see from your picture. how old is your guy btw...
  15. Chamster

    Back Massage

    i think thats the fattest chameleon I've ever seen....too fat.
  16. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    you don't have any lights throughout the whole path do you? do you mind posting a picture of the whole room just to get an idea of what yours looks like.... i would definitely appreciate it thats for sure....
  17. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    im worried about my guy pooping when he's enjoying the afternoon walk....i don't wanna see poops on the beautiful hardwoord floor.
  18. Chamster

    The great escape!!!

    haha nice...! thats pretty long actually but very sick. I'm planning on just tying a thick rope around and putting some artificial plants throughout.
  19. Chamster

    feeding time

    i think this guy is 3-4 months...
  20. Chamster

    Gaping while basking?

    i agree but, if your cham gapes frequently it also means its a little too hot. then you might be required to lower it a little.
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