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  1. Chamster

    black chameleon

    i realized that as soon as i take him out of the cage he changes colour back to normal..... or even when i open the door for him he changes colour after walking out of the cage on his own.....
  2. Chamster

    black chameleon

    ok.....i will try something....i have 2 ceramic heat bulbs beside each other, a light and a uv.... i will turn off one of the ceramic heaters and see if there is any progress.....
  3. Chamster

    black chameleon

    I've have these temps for about 2 months now and he was doing fine. not sure what happened recently that made him turn black everyday.... yes I've been told he is big for a 6 month old. from nose to vent he is.... 6.5 inches exactly
  4. Chamster

    black chameleon

    mid to high 90's.......urates are white....thats why I'm confused!!!
  5. Chamster

    black chameleon

    this is when i opened the door for him and he came out.
  6. Chamster

    black chameleon

    here are some pics
  7. Chamster

    black chameleon

    for the past week or maybe even 10 days my veiled has been almost completely black. the temperatures are fine and the light is fine. water is fine...hes poop is white as egg white so there is no problem there. i can't seem to find out the problem because he is very alert and protective of his...
  8. Chamster

    head shaking

    hhaha ok....its fine if thats the case...
  9. Chamster

    head shaking

    hes bobbing when he sees my black girl. went on for about 30 seconds.. straight
  10. Chamster

    head shaking

    today i notices my cham shaking his head furiously.. they side shakes but very quick shakes??? anyone know what it means? he was a little puffed up
  11. Chamster

    mouth open

    ok sure ill give that a try...but what i don't understand is that i had the same misting schedule for 4 months and today was the first time i see his mouth open....weird.. anyway thanks for the help...ill post updates when i have them..
  12. Chamster

    mouth open

    ac vent is at least 7ft away.. no hick up noises at all....basking mid 90
  13. Chamster

    mouth open

    I've had the same 2 hour cycle for about 4 months now and i just noticed his mouth open. no mucus and yes the cage dries before its time for the next spraying.
  14. Chamster

    mouth open

    today i noticed my cham opening his mouth just randomly....hes not under the heat lamp. male, 6 months old, eats good, very active. today is the first day he opens his mouth for a long time i got an automatic mister misting every 2 hours for 45 seconds.
  15. Chamster


    i always gave my veiled hornworms that were rough the same size as him.....he got them down with a little work but he's a beast now..... i don't see any problem there. this is a picture of him...and he is 6 months old.
  16. Chamster

    hawkmoth is history

    today my boy massacred a HUGE hawkmoth (hornworm moth). as soon as he saw it he came running literally his mouth clapping up and down because he could almost taste it. i never seen him that excited for a moth let alone any type of food...... are the moths as nutritious as the hornworm?
  17. Chamster

    monster veiled

    if thats the case then i think my guy is reaching the end of his growth spurt... his eating has slowed down a lot and his activity has increased big time. he's always running around the cage.
  18. Chamster

    monster veiled

    so they're eating slows down when they hit their growth spurt?
  19. Chamster

    monster veiled

    hahahahahaha I'm trying to imagine how he would look like. imagining a hungry kid stuffing his face with spaghetti and has sauce all over his face. mine is eating a big hornworm and several crickets daily....sometimes moths here and there or even mealworms.
  20. Chamster

    monster veiled

    15 FEEDERS!!!!! i would care to know please... (im feeding mine every other day now, he doesn't like to eat much anymore)
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