my veiled is about to shed....i can tell because hes getting very dark and greyish. he cut down on the eating to maybe half the daily quantity. is that expected to happen or not?
this was 2 days ago on a sunny sunday....let me know what you think about this little fella...its the first time i take pictures of him since i got him at 2 months old when he was about 2 inches....
that doesn't make any they're not regarded as a pest in UK? hornworms are a also considered to be pests how come we can get those and not crickets....??
doesn't make sense..!
that veiled looked too yellow, maybe its a morph or something....they don't usually come that bright of a yellow thats for sure....i don't think.......
i had the same problem with my panther too. my chameleon stopped eating and became blind after that.
my friend also has a panther chameleon which is also closing one eye all the time. i think its because we didn't mist his cage enough.....we did it only 2-3 times a day which is not even close...