I am cleaning out my chameleon's cage, it's starting to smell to much like her! XD and I was wondering if you can use winded on glass and plastic terrariums. So can you? Lol thanks!!:D
Oh she is so so sweet!!!:)
Although sometimes it is better not to hold them everyday. I usually only hold my Jackson's once or twice every two weeks or so. If your chameleon is fine with it though I don't necessarily see it to be that big of a problem. Just be cautious :p and she really is sweet!
Lol and I don't know how to upload two photos to a post! But if you have ever gotten your Cham to do funny things like this post your photos on this thread!:p
My Cham loves to pose for pictures! Being the poser that she is she allowed me to take a couple of pictures of her posing with little toys!:D
(Sorry for the blurry quality I had to take the pictures from my phone because it was not working to upload on it and it became blurry on my iPad! :()
Although my chameleon doesn't actually have anything wrong with her, I know that I will need a vet for her. I have searched the Internet for a vet who takes chams but haven't found any! I could really use some help or advice as to how to find a vet for my Cham. (I live in north Mississippi.)
I know that you can put live plants in chameleon cages, which is what I am planning on doing, but I would really like to know some common plants found in my area. I don't want to have to pay ridiculous prices for plants which is why I want to buy them locally. I currently live in North...
I am making my female Jackson's chameleon a custom cage, however, I have no idea where to start. I could really use some help as to what is absolutely necessary, what helps, and just things that are commonly found in these cages. Thanks!!! :D
My female Jacksons chameleon has been having flaky skin. I, being new to owning a chameleon, am completely lost as to what i should do. Is it normal for a young chameleon to have flaky skin or should I be concerned?
My chameleon isn't a year yet, I am not sure of what the exact amount of months is. My chameleons cage has a metal top with netting and she has been having some flaking skin. As I haven't been able to find any reptile vets in the area are there any suggestions as to what I can do at home?
I am new to having a chameleon so obviously I have several questions, but one I really need to know is my female Jackson's chameleons cage has a very pungent coppery smell that kinda makes me woozy. She currently has all fake plants (her habitat with real plants is still in the process of being...
Stinky cage
Hi I am new to the forums but I have something that has seriously had me puzzled. I am not only new to forums but I am new to having a chameleon, and my chameleons cage smells distinctly of copper and it kinda makes me woozy. Is that normal for chameleon cages or should I be...