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  1. E

    Soil help pls....

    Thanks bbprinting, nt to worry i got the bottonm of the pot taken care of. I got a plate below it.
  2. E

    Soil help pls....

    Hey peeps, ive just bought a scheflera plant and was wondering if i can just clean the plant but dont repot it with organic soil as they stink like hell. But i'll put river rock on top of the current soil that the plant is in. Is this safe for my cham??
  3. E

    Do chams smell?

    So if its parasite, what should be done??
  4. E

    Exo terra vines

    Anyone knows if the flukers bend a branch waterproof??
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    Exo terra vines

    Any ideas??
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    Exo terra vines

    Btw, any idea if the flukers vine waterproof??
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    Exo terra vines

    Mine really peel of easy.
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    Exo terra vines

    Finally i solved the problem. Hope this could help u guys who gt the same problem as i did. I peeled the rubber thingy and the inside of the vine is a black smooth layer. I still does look like a vine jus without the vine texture and feel. Bt its fine for me. Nw its much safer for my cham. Hope...
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    Exo terra vines

    Hmmmmmm guess i'll try get the Flukers Bend a Branch vines and compare. I'll jus get rid of the exo terra vine if it do me bad.
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    Exo terra vines

    Hi guys, ive jus bought an exo terra jungle vines for my cage. Aft unpacking it frm the packaging, i noticed that the vines has little little rubber material that keeps dropping from it. When i rub the vines with my hand, more rubber particles drop from it. So my question is, is it safe for my...
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    Shipping of fluorescent bulbs

    Thanks alot guys. Will try my luck in ordering one today.
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    Shipping of fluorescent bulbs

    Hi, has anyone bought a fluorescent bulbs from amazon before??? And is there any damage on the bulb??? Im planning to get one from amazon but afraid that it would arrive into small fragments.
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    A strange cage

    Should be with zippers.
  14. E

    Calling all Tinkers!

    Hi Spork, hws the outcome of your feeder cup?? Manage to hang it up??
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    great video.

    Awesome vid. Love it alot. Thanks for sharing.
  16. E

    Light fixture

    Im planning on using 1 fluorecent bulb for uv and another one for the plants and also extra brightness.
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    Light fixture

    Would it be fine???
  18. E

    Light fixture

    Would it be suitable if i get a normal 2ft T5 dual aquarium fixture of 24w (doesnt says on the box that it a T5 HO fixture. Just normal 24 watt T5 fixture.) and replace the fluorecent bulb to a Reptisun T5 5.0 HO fluorecent bulb and a Zoo Med Ultra Sun Trichromatic Super Daylight Bulb T5 HO...
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    Does anyone use any Aestheticly Pleasing lights?

    Any idea where i could get the dual T5 HO fixture online?
  20. E

    Fan or no fan??

    Hi, any ideas where i could get a mini laptop cooling fan which i could install in my net cage??
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