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  1. E

    Hygrometer and Thermometer

    Thanks guys for the help. Appreciate it alot.
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    Hygrometer and Thermometer

    Any suggestions???
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    Hygrometer and Thermometer

    Im getting a set of hygrometer and thermometer for my cham bt am nt sure of which brand and type is the best. Any suggestions??
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    Basking light

    Thanks alot man for ur help. Im getting a veiled cham really soon. So im abit excited and worried at the same time.
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    Basking light

    Hw do i make the humidity like to around 60%-70%??
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    Basking light

    Thanks alot for ur help. Appreciate it. Bt wat about humidity?
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    Basking light

    Im staying in Singapore at the weather here is pretty hot. My room temperature ranges from 26c - 28c and never has gone lower or higher. So do i still need a basking spot for my cham??
  8. E

    Should my plant be safe to use in my cage now?

    It wouldnt be a problem so long ure nt using a poisonous plant which may cause death.:)
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    Logo for our website rough idea

    Hahahaha. Awesome sketch there u gt.
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    sleeping chameleons are beautiful

    Lovely colors. Very nice
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    Supplement question

    Hi may i knw wat brands of calcium are recommended?
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    Cage setup!!!!!

    Awesome setup there. Keep them coming.
  13. E

    Cage setup!!!!!

    He is 3 mnths and using a 18" by 18" by 36".
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    Cage setup!!!!!

    Hello CF!!!! Im going to get a new screen cage soon for my veiled any ideas and pics on wats the best setup for my cage? Please share pics and infos. Will Appreciate it alot....:)
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    Suitable UVB for veiled chameleon

    Bt should i get the HO 5.0 or the normal 5.0??? Really need help in lightings as im still very confused of which would be the most suitable one.
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    Suitable UVB for veiled chameleon

    Guess i would get the 5.0 to be on the safe side as my cage setting is nt heavily planted. Im afraid of my cham getting too much uvb.
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    Suitable UVB for veiled chameleon

    And which brand should be recommended? Reptisun, reptiglo or arcardia??
  18. E

    Suitable UVB for veiled chameleon

    Im still wondering wats the suitable UVB light for a veiled chameleon. A 5.0 or a 10.0. Any suggestions??
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