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  1. bugboy

    some nice pictures....

    Montium may be one of my favorites, if not my favorite cham, it truly is a shame we can't see more captive bred. It seems most who keep/breed them aren't very successful in breeding them, and I'd assume being wild caught has a big influence in it. For example, I had a beautiful W/C female...
  2. bugboy

    Newbie Nervous Nelly ... or something I should adress

    Gorgeous sire, your boy is gonna look pretty sweeeet haha. Glad he is starting to feel more comfortable, chams definitely seem to appreciate the seclusion, especially when they are small (and "vulnerable"; remember that as far as they know we are giant hungry animals that would make a quick...
  3. bugboy

    Newbie Nervous Nelly ... or something I should adress

    I'd like to offer my two cents if that's ok. First of all, I will agree that you are probably worrying for nothing haha, I can't find anything wrong with how you are doing things. I will agree about the space between the top of the screen and the highest point he can climb to. In my...
  4. bugboy

    Crestie Rescue

    There's not much to them haha; food, spray once or twice a day, give her a buch of branches and some fake plants to hide in. That's it haha, they are pretty much fool-proof. Handle her as often as you can, or they'll never get over the whole "leap of faith" thing haha. They can jump pretty...
  5. bugboy

    My latest addiction, sorry, addition.....

    OOOOOOH, Abronia. Good luck with him. They are impressive, especially in person. They throw some serious greens haha. I've only seen them for very expensive prices, hope you got a good deal.
  6. bugboy

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    Hey, the fact that you withstood silicone and great stuff is impressive haha. Looks good to me, there's not a whole lot more you can do with a Uroplatus enclosure. What plants do you have in there? What size enclosure do you have him in now?
  7. bugboy

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    SUH-WEEEET!! It's about time haha! He looks awesome, did you upgrade his enclosure yet? And that background is totally custom haha, did you make this one? Let's see a full tank shot!
  8. bugboy

    Orange urates

    Throw a dripper on your cage and let it drip over the course of maybe 10-15, even 20 minutes if you have the time to watch. This will cause a lot of excess water, so be sure to have a catching bin large enough to accomodate. If the humidity is as high as you say it is then you're probably...
  9. bugboy

    I'm So Excited!

    Luie, Camille and Sadie were some of, if not THE most impressive representations of healthy Veileds that I have ever seen. Their colors just exploded in your pictures, I can't imagine how they looked in person. Congrats on the new kid, I look forward to seeing if she will retain some of those...
  10. bugboy

    Orange urates

    When you spray, how long do you spray for? Is it through a misting system or hand-held? Sometimes it takes a steady stream of drips to get them started, and even then it might take a while before they begin to drink.
  11. bugboy

    Beautiful Boomer

    WHY? WHY, WHY, WHY??? WHY have you not bred this beautiful boy yet, spread the genes!!! You can't hog them all to yourself haha!! It's only once in a while you get an animal that is truly incredible and has pure locale bloodlines, it would be a shame not to pass them on.
  12. bugboy

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    I envy you haha, my mom used to grab whatever issue was available at the time and put it in my stocking for Christmas. Unfortunately they were damaged and are pretty much useless at this point. I'd love to read this article, is it online somewhere?
  13. bugboy


    I agree on the space comment, whenever I tried I got my line stuck in a tree. The last time I gave it a shot, I didn't catch a thing. That was probably 10 years ago, I should really get back into it as well. Fly-tying was a lot of fun though. I love the taste of seafood though, almost...
  14. bugboy

    Help! She's Dying!

    Aww damn, I just got here. Sorry for your loss, and as said before, you did what you could. These animals are so fragile, sometimes there's just nothing you can do. I've been in your situation before, trying to save an animal that is so close to passing, so don't feel alone there. You came...
  15. bugboy

    Help! She's Dying!

    It took a lot of courage for me to post this, so I hope I won't be condemned for it. I feel like I'm already dousing myself with gasoline and waiting for someone to light the match haha. The fact that she acts aggressively, as it seems from the last pic, looks like she is truly a fighter...
  16. bugboy

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    Sin, that's quite the temp swing haha! At least you can move them around to regulate temps, if I moved anything outside of my room my Dad would poop himself haha. I hate not getting Reptiles Magazine anymore, which month has this article? March or April?
  17. bugboy


    I love it, though I don't get out as much anymore. Living on an island I usually go deep sea fishing for fluke/flounder, or anything I can pull up really haha. I used to know a guy who made the best bluefish steak I've ever eaten. I must have been 12 when I had a really good trip with my aunt...
  18. bugboy


    WOW!!! That is an incredible animal! Nosy Mistio? They don't get the credit they truly deserve.
  19. bugboy

    Help! She's Dying!

    I'm a little late into this thread, but I'll offer my two cents if that's ok. I'd love to see a pic of how she's looking now. From the first set, she looked to be on death's door, so I truly hope she's making an improvement. My buddy gave me his female panther before he left for vet school...
  20. bugboy

    My Uroplatus Phantasticus pair

    Like I said, with quite a few people breeding them nowadays they aren't as difficult as they used to be when WC, but that doesn't mean you can label them easy haha. Although I must admit, when I spoke to my breeders about keeping Uroplatus, they told me they compared them to Rhacodactylus...
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